Approaches to Student Learning and Development

Student Learning and Development through Clubs and Societies

The impact of the role of Student Services in Student Learning and Development can be measured inter alia, by positive changes in student behaviour, demonstration of leadership and organizational skills, creativeness, organizational building and the demonstration of an ethic of care among students.

Currently fifty-four (54) functional clubs and societies on the Mona Campus are registered with the OSS. These clubs and societies are facilitated by OSS but are primarily student initiatives aimed at developing a specific competence among students, and providing an important avenue for interacting with staff and public official outside the classroom. Each club or society has a staff (academic or senior administrator) advisor and must register with the Office of Student Services directly or through the Guild of Students.

Clubs and societies, therefore, form important media for developing measurable learning outcomes such as commitment, organizational skills, self-confidence, group dynamics, public speaking, taking responsibility and a sense of belonging.