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Water-supply/Metissage/Global-warming and Fanon: South/South dialogical engagement between Cuba and Jamaica

Friday February 8
10:00AM - 11:00AM

Overview: Twenty six years on, Pswarayi laments that from a full complement of one hundred and twenty states, only twelve made the attendance of the Venezuelan summit. At the heart of the attrition in attendance and waning interest is the notion of colonialism being outdated and a relic of a bygone era. This presentation argues, in the vogue of Fanonian thinkers like Sylvia Wynter that the current dereliction of the non-aligned movement is rooted – like the failure of the black power movement of the 1960’s – in the confusion and displacement of transcendental phenomenology with phenomenological psychology and the resulting – constricting - hegemonic dialectic of developed versus developing world. This water-as-metissage tropic analysis will be carried out in the context of the postcolonial experiences of Jamaica and Cuba

Presenter: Dr Horace Williams, Lecturer, Jamaica Theological Seminary

The Undercroft, Senate Building
Research Day Number: 
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