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Caribbean Journal of Education

Integrating Discourse Communities Using WAC Strategies to Enhance the Learning of Mathematics in a Grade 7 Class

Publication Date: 
September 2008

Despite the fact that mathematics is compulsory at the secondary level in Jamaica and is required for entry into tertiary institutions and certain jobs, many of our students are overwhelmed by their perception of the impenetrability of the complex world of mathematics. Furthermore, the fundamental value of learning mathematics as a means of developing the higher order skills of reasoning and critical thinking escapes many. 
In keeping with this view, the Jamaican Ministry of Education and Youth has endorsed the Government’s policy on literacy and numeracy from kindergarten to the secondary level. The emphasis on numeracy is even more seriously adopted at the secondary level where the more competent teachers of mathematics are assigned to teach at grade 7, in an attempt to establish a firm foundation in the development of mathematical skills (conversation with head of mathematics department of a traditional high school in St. Mary, March 20, 2007).

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