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Curricular Transformation in Higher Education and the Role of a Cross-disciplinary WAC Approach

SKU: cje-30-2-6

In this paper a cross-disciplinary WAC curricular and pedagogical approach is proposed and the challenges and opportunities presented by an interdisciplinary WAC approach investigated. Conceptual research methods were used and a critical education theoretical perspective pressed into service to navigate the issues. It is shown that generally, traditional academic and organizational orthodoxies do not allow for curricular transformation, hence the need for a supportive institutional culture. The need for a learner-centred higher education landscape is therefore underscored.

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Price: Free

Integrating Discourse Communities Using WAC Strategies to Enhance the Learning of Mathematics in a Grade 7 Class

SKU: cje-30-2-7

Despite the fact that mathematics is compulsory at the secondary level in Jamaica and is required for entry into tertiary institutions and certain jobs, many of our students are overwhelmed by their perception of the impenetrability of the complex world of mathematics. Furthermore, the fundamental value of learning mathematics as a means of developing the higher order skills of reasoning and critical thinking escapes many. 

List price: Free
Price: Free

The WAC Experience Integrating Writing Strategies into a Third-Year Statistics Course

SKU: cje-30-2-3

Samsa and Oddone (1994, 117) state that statisticians need to write to describe, explain, clarify, convince and to publicize information. Unfortunately, students majoring in statistics and other mathematics based disciplines usually avoid courses which require significant levels of writing. Yet, on completion of their degree, they are usually employed in areas which require a significant amount of report writing, both to specialist audiences as well as to audiences that do not necessarily understand the language of this subject area.

List price: Free
Price: Free

It Takes an Island: A Survey of Writing across the Curriculum at the University of The Bahamas

SKU: CJE-40-12

This study presents the findings of a survey of faculty across the disciplines at the University of The Bahamas (UB) regarding the types of writing they assign students in their classes and the value they place on certain aspects of students’ writing when assessing student work. A major goal of the study is to build background knowledge about the state of writing instruction across the disciplines at UB to support the growth of a possible Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) initiative.

List price: Free
Price: Free
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