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Caribbean Journal of Education

Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago, by L. Winer

Publication Date: 
September 2009

The appearance of Lise Winer’s dictionary is the single most important event in the study of language in Trinidad and Tobago since 1869. In that year, John Jacob Thomas published his classic, The theory and practice of Creole grammar. That volume provided the first attempt at a comprehensive grammatical description of a French lexicon Creole anywhere in the world. It made the study of language behaviour in Trinidad and Tobago an area of referential attention for scholars in the field of Creole linguistics. Yet, despite the importance and impact of Thomas’s work, as well as the attention that it focused on Trinidad and Tobago, no definitive work of that quality on the language of Trinidad and Tobago has since appeared until Winer’s dictionary.

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