It is with a mix of emotions that I write this note to our readers. I am sad because this is the final issue of the Caribbean Journal of Education. On the other hand, I am excited that the CJE will be merged with the Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean and relaunched as CJED—the Caribbean Journal of Education and Development. The CJE has served as a forum, since 1974, to stimulate thought and discussion about issues in education that affect Caribbean people in the region and worldwide. As a peer-reviewed journal it has provided a space for scholars to publish both empirical and conceptual papers highlighting research and developments in the region on a range of topics. The CJE has been proud to offer its readers access to an evolving knowledge base of issues and ideas critical to the Caribbean educational landscape.
As we reflect on the significant contribution of the CJE over the past fifty years, we must pay tribute to the special people who have worked so hard to ensure the consistent quality of this special publication. These include our successive editors, publication officers, editorial board members, peer reviewers, and institutional subscribers. Without their commitment the accomplishments of half a century would not have been possible.
As we look to the future our aim is to continue the work of producing high quality academic papers that will serve the interests of those who are invested not only in educational matters but also in matters that speak to the broader development of the Caribbean. This then, is not really farewell, but simply an evolution to a journal with a broader reach and a broader scope.
We look forward to your support of the Caribbean Journal of Education and Development. Goodbye, and thank you.
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