The notion of the "Caribbean at the Crossroads and Its Implications for Education" is one that has exercised and excited the minds of policy makers in this region for a long time.
As far back as July 1979, in London, a group of Senior Commonwealth Education officials acknowledged that educational problems were no less urgent than economic ones. They emphasized that the Eighth Commonwealth Education Conference of Ministers should consider proposals for implementation rather than continue to dwell on identification of issues. The Ministers at that Conference in Sri Lanka in 1981 took the view that managers of the education system should be sensitive to development, public economy, effectiveness and cost benefit. Subsequently, two regional conferences for senior administrators have examined the era of "Management for Change" and proposals for a regional course in administration. And now, happily, this conference is focusing attention on the topic of "Preparation for Management" - I hope that your activity will impel us a little nearer to action.
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