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physics teachers

Physics Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes to Innovative Teaching Strategies

SKU: cje-44-1-2

This study investigated perception and attitude to innovative teaching strategies in Senior Secondary Schools in Kwara State, Nigeria. Sample selection used a descriptive survey design. A total of 141 physics teachers participated using the purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was “Physics Questionnaire on Perception and Attitude to Innovative Teaching Strategies (PQPAITS)”, with a 0.78 reliability coefficient using Cronbach Alpha. Data collected were analysed using descriptive methods, t-test, and analysis of variance.

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Price: Free

Physics Teacher's Guide for the Caribbean, edited by A.A. Chen, M.N. McMorris and P.N. Chin, Jamaica, Physics Depart ment, U.W.I., 1980

SKU: cje-8-1-9

Of all secondary school subjects, physics is in most need of help. Over the past fifteen and more years, the Physics Department at Mona has been making a variety of attacks on the problem. This book, produced as part of a project sponsored by the Organization of American States, is one such attempt to improve the teaching of physics. Its title alone should attract a great deal of attention from decision makers inside and outside education, as well as from teachers.

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Price: Free
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