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teaching and learning

The First Year of Teaching: Teachers’ Planning and their Perspectives on some Aspects of Teaching

SKU: cje-10-2-3-1

The paper reports the results of a research study which sought to identify the process of teachers’ planning and their perspectives on some aspects of teaching. The nineteen teachers who formed the sample were interviewed over a period of ten months. It was found that in their planning, teachers’ thoughts were dominated by the search for novel “activities”. The factors which influenced planning were pupils’ ability levels and their preferences for certain activities.

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The integration of technology in education and training processes is grad­ually being recognized as an imperative that cannot be ignored, in the context of what has been generally accepted as being the "Information Age". The lessons so far learnt from research and experiences with the uses of tech­nologies in education and training are pointing to a single most important fact, (i.e. that the central concern is not so much about the question of whether technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning; but about the "what" and the "how" of technology integration.

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Price: Free

Constructivist Approaches to Education in Jamaica: Challenges, Limitations, and Possibilities

SKU: cje-36-1-2-3

In this paper, we examine the efficacy and relevance of constructivist pedagogy within the Jamaican schooling and educational contexts. We recognize that it is an educational topic that has received a fair amount of attention in Jamaica, one which has been discussed and written about by numerous scholars and educators who have focused extensively on areas of curriculum, teaching, and learning (Down, 2008; Evans, 2006; Figueroa, 2010; Gentles, 2006; Jennings, 2007).

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Price: Free

Leadership for Success: The Jamaican School Experience, by Disraeli Hutton and Beverly Johnson

SKU: cje-39-1-2-7

Leadership for Success: The Jamaican School Experience lays the foundation for an important discussion on school leadership and management in Jamaica. The foundational issues raised in the book may be summarized as: (a) the leadership versus management dialectic in interpreting the primary role of the principal; (b) the trait versus environment (nature versus nurture) influence on leadership; (c) the twin factors of leadership and quality of teaching and learning as the key determinants of students’ performance; and (d) the characteristics of effective schools.

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Price: Free

Observations from secondary school classrooms in Trinidad and Tobago: Science teachers’ use of ICTs and ICT-based activities in their lessons

SKU: cje-39-1-2-6

This study was undertaken to examine and interpret how science teachers in Trinidad and Tobago use ICT devices and ICT-based teaching and learning activities in their science teaching. A total of 30 lessons taught by five different teachers were observed and analyzed using an interpretative research methodology to develop generalized observations. The findings revealed that in general, science teachers used ICT devices in most of their lessons but that ICT-based activities were used in only twenty per cent of the lessons observed.

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Price: Free

'If he had only learnt a little less, how infinitely better he might have taught much more" Developing Creative Approaches to the Teaching of Dramatic Literatures in the Caribbean

SKU: cje-33-2-7

This article speculates that it is possible to over-train teachers, to the extent that there remains little room for creative approaches to teaching and learning in their classrooms. Responding to the pressures imposed on them to deliver a seemingly overwhelming curriculum in schools where the normal teaching day may be subjected to interruptions and lost teaching hours, teachers frequently resort to straight 'chalk and talk' delivery in the interests of time, rather than engaging in a mutually beneficial process of creative discovery and learning with their students.

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Price: Free

Extending the Constructivist Paradigm: A New Approach to Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development

SKU: cje-30-1-4

This paper argues that teaching and learning for sustainable development requires a non-traditional methodology and explores the constructivist approach as providing a suitable methodology. In this exploration the paper shows the value of the constructivist approach but also indicates its limitations. The paper proposes, instead, a methodology that takes into account the usefulness of the constructivist approach, but extends it to one more anchored in community action.

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Price: Free

The Experience of Teaching and Learning in Jamaican (Creole): A Phenomenological Account

SKU: cje-29-2-4

In this paper the 'subjective consciousness' of 'Bettina' (who begins from a place of self-conscious obedience to the edict that teachers should always 'speak proper English' and battles cognitive dissonance as she attempts to use the students' home language, Jamaican Creole as the medium of instruction) is interwoven with the subjective consciousness of students participating in her JC/SJE bilingual project. This dialogue of perspectives exposes some of the complexities of the classroom as sociolinguistic and emotional psychological space.

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Price: Free

Reflective Internet Inquiry Teaching Model: A Constructivist Approach to Internet-Supported Instruction

SKU: JEDIC-11-2-8

This study was designed to examine how teachers used the Internet in the teaching and learning process. It investigated the work of primary teachers from New York, the United States of America and Kingston, Jamaica. The literature review includes research regarding how teachers used different Internet resources in their practice. 

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Price: Free
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