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Moses Peart

About EduVision and The Conference Series


The concept of EduVision embodies a vision for the enhancement of ed­ucation/training activities through the effective integration of technology, means and methods. In the context of growing recognition and appreciation of the critical role of technology in teaching and learning processes, EduVi­sion has become a shared vision of many in the Caribbean, and indeed the world. In 2003 this vision was developed into a forum for sharing ideas and technology innovations, and was subsequently launched in the form of an international conference on technology in education.

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The integration of technology in education and training processes is grad­ually being recognized as an imperative that cannot be ignored, in the context of what has been generally accepted as being the "Information Age". The lessons so far learnt from research and experiences with the uses of tech­nologies in education and training are pointing to a single most important fact, (i.e. that the central concern is not so much about the question of whether technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning; but about the "what" and the "how" of technology integration.

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Price: Free

Integrating Technology in Education: A Case for Strategic Thinking, Planning and Creative Utilization


The call for teachers, administrators and other facilitators of learning to integrate technology in education has been an ongoing one for many years, ever since the term "instructional technology" was first clearly defined in the 1970s, or perhaps even before. [See Reiser (1987) for early definitions of this term.] Whatever may be the interpreted or accepted meaning of the term "instructional technology", it should be appreciated that such meaning has been evolving, and perhaps will continue to evolve as new technologies continue to emerge.

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Price: Free

Systematization of Technology Integration in Education and Training: Lessons for Governance and Leadership

SKU: ioeps-4-8

The infusion of technology in education and training activities is not a new development. There is ample evidence in research and related litera­ture to show that interests in and explorations of the potential of technol­ogy to enhance teaching and learning have always been heightened with every new age of technology innovations.

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Price: Free

Essential Skills for Teachers in the Age of Information Technology and Interactivity

SKU: ioea-1-13

The age of information technology and interactivity is here and rapidly advancing, with significant developments in computer and communication technologies that are showing serious implications for instructional technology in general and teacher education in particular. It is natural and logical for professionals in the field of education, so inextricably linked to communication technology, to embrace the use of computer technology. However, there is no indication that teachers are in any enthusiastic haste to harness whatever potentials there may be in such technologies for teaching.

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Price: Free
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