Project Approval

  1. All proposals for soliciting funds for Special Projects shall conform to the University’s Financial Procedures and Guidelines, including but not restricted to the Financial Code   and Procurement Policies, and to such special conditions as potential Donors/Funders   may specify.  The Principal Investigator/Proposer shall consult with the Special Projects  Office of the Bursary to ensure compliance with these provisions.

  2. Where a proposal is being prepared for the soliciting of funds, the Principal Investigator/Proposer shall provide the Dean (in his or her capacity as Principal Budget  Holder of the Faculty) with a copy of the proposal, in good time, prior to submission. Should there be any unsettled disagreements regarding the project, these shall be resolved in consultation with the Campus Bursar and or the Principal or their representatives. Where the Dean fails to raise any issues regarding a project within 10  working days, the Principal Investigator/Proposer may submit the project as drafted subject to the satisfaction of any concerns raised by the Bursary.

  3. As a matter of policy, projects to be funded on a reimbursement basis shall be avoided and the decision for a project to be funded on this basis must have the prior approval of the Principal or Campus Bursar.

  4. Deans and Heads of Departments must also review and approve Project Agreements prior to signing of same by the designated Campus personnel, the Principal or Bursar or Deputy Bursar , on behalf of the Mona Campus.