Objectives: To explore HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitude and behaviour among migrant peasant workers in Changsha, which is a inland city in central China, and to provide evidence that educating this population may help to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in China.
Methods: A total of 1782 migrant peasant workers participated in the study. A questionnaire was used to determine their knowledge of HIV/AIDS and related attitude and behaviour items.
Results: The majority of the respondents had a rather low level of overall HIV/AIDS knowledge and its prevention, had what constituted risky behaviour in this regard and a generally low acceptance of HIVinfected persons. Furthermore, their behaviour and attitude were analysed with respect to their educational level, occupational class and score of HIV/AIDS related knowledge.
Conclusions: The results of this investigation will help healthcare professionals develop a sensitive and specific educational programme for migrant peasant workers. Educating this population will be a very important aspect of HIV/AIDS prevention in China.