Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of intradiscal steroid injection in the treatment of discogenic low back pain (DLBP) with neuropathic pain (NeP).
Methods: A total of 18 patients with DLBP were enrolled and divided into two groups based on having NeP and not. The patients’ records included the following clinical parameters: duration and intensity of LBP, the Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale [QBPDS], the Daily Sleep Interference Scale [DSIS] and a Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs [LANSS] pain scale.
Results: In our study, 38.8% of the patients had DLBP with NeP, whereas 61.2% had mainly nociceptive pain. As we investigated the mean changes of the QBPDS scores and intensity of LBP in patients with a LANSS score ≥12, a statistically significant reduction was found at the second week and third month after the treatment compared to pre-injection values (p<0.05). The mean reduction in the intensity of DLBP, the QBPDS scores and the DSIS scores from baseline to second week and third month after the treatment was greater in group 2 than in group 1.
Conclusions: Intradiscal steroid injections appear to be an effective and promising treatment for NeP component in DLBP.
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