Objective: In order to scientifically validate the folk uses, extracts of aerial parts of Gymnosporia royleana were screened for in-vivo antidiarrheal and analgesic activity and in-vitro pediculicidal activity.
Methods: Methanol extract of aerial parts of Gymnosporia royleana (GR) was screened for in-vivo antidiarrheal activity in wistar rats using castor oil induced diarrhea model, and for analgesic activity using acetic acid induced writhing and hot plat induced pain models in mice. Methanol extract and its various solvent fractions were also screened for in-vitro pediculicidal activity using human head lice.
Results: In antidiarrheal assay, GR extract showed a considerable reduction in the number of wet feces as well as total number of feces in a dose dependent fashion. GR extract produced 26.55%, 77.60% and 84.06% inhibition of diarrhea at doses of 100 mg/Kg, 200 mg/Kg and 400 mg/Kg body weight. In acetic acid induced writhings model, the extract demonstrated the dose dependent analgesic effect which was highest for 600 mg/Kg body weight dose, however, it was less than that of Diclofenac sodium. In thermally induced pain model, GR extract exhibited significant analgesic effect in a dose dependent fashion and at 600 mg/Kg dose, analgesic effect was comparable to that of morphine (20 mg/Kg body weight). The pediculicidal activity of the plant extracts were found to be insignificant when compared to control.
Conclusion: The results of in-vivo studies strongly support the antidiarrheal and analgesic use of the plant in folk medicine, however, in-vitro pediculicidal assay provided contradictive evidence regarding the pediculicidal use of the plant.
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