Objective: To determine whether or not Jamaican coaches’ knowledge and practices of fluid replacement are on par with that of the National Athletic Association’s and the American College of Sports Medicine Standards.
Methods: A descriptive survey of 90 high-school track and field coaches in Jamaica was conducted. Coaches were given a 29-item survey questionnaire which adapted the content from previous surveys and also based on the National Athletic Trainers’ Association guidelines for fluid replacement and information sources of fluid replacement. A pass score of 80% was employed.
Results: Approximately 26.6% of participants passed the knowledge-based assessment with the minimum requirement of 80% and 73.4% of participants had an unacceptable level of knowledge about fluid replacement and hydration. Only 26 (28.9%) coaches received training in fluid replacement therapy. Most of them therefore relied on reading materials ranging from magazines to journals, or learnt it on the job from other coaches.
Conclusion: Findings suggest that the level of knowledge in Jamaican track and field highschool coaches about fluid replacement and hydration is very poor. However, their attitudes towards fluid replacement and hydration are very good, and this will facilitate their acceptance and adoption of correct fluid replacement guidelines. Tapping into this positive attitude and implementing workshops, seminars and onsite promotion should improve the coaches’ knowledge significantly.