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Effect of Dialysis Frequency on Microinflammation in Patients with Maintenance Haemodialysis

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Objective: To study the influence of different dialysis frequency on microinflammation for the maintenance haemodialysis patients.

Methods: Fifty-three maintenance haemodialysis patients with chronic kidney disease were divided into three groups. Groups A, B and C dialysed three times per week, twice per week and three times per 2 weeks, respectively. Total time was 1 year. The index of microinflammation state was measured in all patients before and after 1 year.

Results: There were significant differences in the index of microinflammation state between any two groups.

Conclusion: Patients who dialysed less than two times each week had a higher rate of microinflammation state. This showed that dialysis frequency was important for maintenance haemodialysis.

07 Sep, 2016
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e-Published: 16 Sep, 2016
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