The variables influencing the interval between diagnosis and effective access to specialised care were studied in a cohort of 1542 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients in Guadeloupe between 1988 and 2009. A retrospective cohort study was conducted to determine the risk factors for increased delay between HIV diagnosis and first specialised consultation. Patients with a subsequent follow-up interruption were significantly more likely to have a delayed first consultation after HIV diagnosis. Ordinal logistic regression showed that male sex (OR:1.40[1.20-1.74], p = 0.002), younger persons (OR: 1.50 [1.20-2.18], p = 0.001), patients in CDC category B (OR: 1.90 [1.30-2.70], p = 0.002), patients diagnosed before 1997 (OR: 2.70[2.10-3.50], p = 0.000), CD4 count 200-499 (OR: 2.80 [2.20-3.50], p = 0.000) and CD4 count>500(OR: 4.30 [3.20–6.10], p = 0.000) were independently associated with greater delays between HIV diagnosis and the first specialised consultation. Focusing on the link between the private sector and specialised health care may shorten delays and improve care and follow-up.
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