Objective: To evaluate the associations of frequency, quantity and duration of marijuana use with sperm parameters and reproductive histories of male non-smokers and chronic marijuana users.
Methods: Semen samples and marijuana consumption histories were obtained from 94 men aged 23–72 years who attended a university-based private fertility management unit for infertility investigations between February and September 2014. Routine semen analyses were performed, and the associations of frequency and duration of marijuana use with sperm parameters and reproductive history were assessed.
Results: Lower motility was associated with higher quantities (Spearman’s correlation coefficient, rs = -0.226; p = 0.045) and frequency (rs = -0.234, p = 0.047) of marijuana smoked at a given time. However, duration of marijuana use showed no clear pattern of association with sperm quality. No significant associations were found between marijuana use and reproductive history.
Conclusion: Preliminary findings, using a small sample of subfertile men, suggested that sperm motility may be impacted by the quantity and frequency of marijuana use. Screening for excessive use of marijuana and counselling on the potential impact of the drug should be routinely considered for men being treated for infertility.