Objective: To determine the effects of aquatic plyometric training on lower limb power and agility of rugby and soccer players at The University of the West Indies.
Methods: Subjects were recruited from the University’s soccer and rugby teams and following completion of informed consent, baseline measures were taken for the Illinois Agility, the Vertical Jump and Running Based Anaerobic Sprint Tests (RAST). Aquatic plyometric training was done three times per week for six weeks followed by post-test measures.
Results: Statistically significant changes were achieved for all variables tested. The mean change in Illinois Agility scores was 0.72 ± 0.72 seconds, p = 0.001. Vertical Jump height increased (mean change = -105.28 ± 82.22 cm; p = 0.00) and the mean anaerobic power on the RAST also increased at the end of training (mean change = -86.97 ± 129.66 watts; p = 0.011).
Conclusion: Aquatic plyometric training shows the potential to be an effective method of training for University level Rugby and Soccer Players. Further research is needed to compare this method of training with other approaches to power and agility training.
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