Objective: To determine the current approach and knowledge of aneuploidy screening among obstetricians and gynaecologists in Jamaica.
Methods: A questionnaire of primarily multiple-choice questions was sent by mail or hand-delivered to obstetricians and gynecologists across the country. The questions concerned demographics, knowledge of screening and diagnostic tests available and test selection.
Results: Sixty-nine out of 100 (69%) doctors responded to the questionnaire; 63/67 (91.3%) reported that less than 25% of their patients had aneuploidy screening (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.85, 0.93) and 13/68 (19.1% [95% CI 0.11, 0.30]) of respondents offered screening to all their patients. The frequency of screening tests was 52.9%, 22.1%, 18.8%, 14.7%, 13.0% and 8.8% for the quadruple screen (QUAD), triple screen, second trimestre ultrasound, first trimestre screen, free fetal DNA and nuchal translucency, respectively. Most physicians answered most of the questions correctly (83.3% correct response rate) and the majority of persons answered at least 5/6 questions correctly.
Conclusions: Obstetricians and gynaecologists are aware of aneuploidy risks, screening tests and universal screening recommendations, however only a small fraction of their patients received these tests. This suggests the need for exploration of the barriers to screening and studies on patient’s knowledge and views on screening.
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