In this special issue of the West Indian Medical Journal (WIMJ), Professor Celia Christie has recruited authors of scientific articles, clinical observations and editorial commentaries on nearly every facet of paediatric HIV/AIDS and related topics in Jamaica. Drawing from academia, the Ministry of Health, healthcare providers and others, Professor Christie and her colleagues have provided a broad variety of studies and clinical observations that stem from work supported by the Elizabeth Glaser Paediatric AIDS Foundation, the Jamaican Ministry of Health, the National Institutes of Health, the University of the West Indies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and from Jamaican philanthropic sources. This amazing array of supporters is a testament to the competitiveness of Jamaican clinical scientists and programme developers in securing research support and clinical service funds. While the products of the investments must be seen to be fully appreciated, with new paediatric HIV/AIDS services and nearly universal HIV testing for pregnant women islandwide, the manuscripts in this WIMJ issue do provide insight into the substantial programmatic impact of the worK.