Objective: To assess the perceptions of parents of children with cancer and to determine level of satisfaction with the paediatric oncology services at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (EWMSC).
Design and Methods: Parents of children with cancer were surveyed during the period 12−27 October 2009 as part of a wider needs assessment project using a questionnaire designed to obtain information on their perception of medical, physical and psychosocial resources during the family encounter at the EWMSC.
Results: Overall, parents expressed a high level of satisfaction with the quality of delivery of medical and pharmaceutical services which were at no direct cost to the patient. Issues of concern included a lack of a structured clinic appointment system, inadequate patient care assistance on the ward for very young patients and the housing of non-oncology patients in the oncology specialty unit. Apart from their child’s
illness, fear of job and income loss was a major stressor for parents.
Conclusion: Medical needs of patients were perceived to be well met, but there was need to address the psychosocial, physical and educational needs of parents.