An introduction to the simple technique of spline regression is provided using data from a study of
patients hospitalized for invasive group A streptococcal disease. A spline model is used to examine the dose-response association between serum albumin and mortality.
As medical schools modernize in order to respond to increasing demands for better-trained doctors, there is a need to pay particular attention to the curriculum, with greater emphasis on training in the community, in team-working and in communication.
At the University Hospital of the West Indies, training for general practitioners utilizes distance education. Trainees attend outpatient clinics while completing didactic material delivered in the print format.
LAD Williams, J Conrad, B Vogler, H Rösner, RBR Porter, W Setzer, EN Barton, HG Levy, S Mika, I Klaiber, JP Nkurunziza, W Kraus
The present article evaluates the in vitro antiproliferation/ cytotoxic activity of Epingaione and selected derivatives isolated from Bontia daphnoides L on the human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma and TE-671 sarcoma cells.
A bioactive extract from parched and ground garden slugs has H1-antihistamine properties which inhibited contraction of guinea pig in vitro tracheal muscle preparation and cutaneous allergic responses. These effects may be the scientific basis of a folklore use of slug material to control asthmatic attack that is most likely associated with allergy.
The manuscript reviewed the 12 yrs (1992 – 2004) of research done on dibenzyl trisulphide (DTS) as a
potential therapeutic agent. These studies revealed that DTS could be useful in the treatment of cancers, immunological disorders and memory loss.
Breast and cervical cancers were the most frequently diagnosed in females while prostate and colon cancers were the ones in males in a 15-year review in Grand Bahama, Bahamas. The most frequent cancers causing death were breast and prostate.
Aggressive and prosocial boys were studied. Many differences were detected, including neighbourhood and family factors. These should be the focus of interventions to reduce violence among boys.
N Burgos, M Hernandez-Reif, R Mendoza, R Castillo, G Shor-Posner
The perception of 52 Dominican caregivers, regarding their HIV+ children’s (2–8 years) behaviour, was assessed using the Child Behaviour Checklist. Caregivers perceived significant pathological internalizing behavioural symptoms in immunosuppressed children, and older female children were perceived as withdrawn/depressed.
Knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS among Quthing prison inmates in Lesoto were assessed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results showed that knowledge about HIV/AIDS was high among inmates while others had a misconception about use of condoms. There was evidence of unfavourable attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS.
R Mendoza, M Hernandez-Reif, R Castillo, N Burgos, G Zhang, G Shor-Posner
A high percentage of Dominican parents/caregivers rated their HIV infected children as experiencing internalizing (anxiety, depression, somatic complaints) and externalizing problems (rule breaking and
aggressive behaviour). Research needs to examine other contributing factors for the maladaptive behaviours such as socio-economic status, caregiver illness, caregiver education and parental loss.
This study describes the trend in the uptake of HIV testing and HIV prevalence among pregnant women. The uptake of HIV testing has significantly increased. The incidence of newly diagnosed HIV infected pregnant women has declined significantly.
In this paper, the authors looked at whether men who support intimate partner violence against women are more likely to have unsafe sexual practices and social attitudes that could increase women’s risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
A study was carried out to assess the dental caries status of children from fisher folk communities in South India. The prevalence of dental caries was found to be high in the study population. Further research is suggested to explore the existing scenario.
A study was conducted to understand the lifestyle of dentists in south India. The dentists were found to be affected by time and scheduling pressures and pay related stressors but were largely satisfied with their jobs as dentists.