At present, approximately 18 UWI scholarships are available to graduates of the UWI for students pursing full-time research degrees at the Mona Campus. The value of the award is J$700,000.00 per annum.
A small number of other graduate scholarships are available. Applicants are invited by means of advertisements. Details are usually provided during the period March to May of every year.
The Campus Committee provides research grants and graduate awards to Departments/Faculties and students to fund:
Visit for requisite R&P application forms. Completed forms should be submitted electronically, by the prescribed deadline, to Assistant Registrar (Graduate Studies & Research).
Applications on the prescribed forms are to be submitted to the Assistant Registrar, Graduate Studies & Research, Mona, for consideration by the Campus Committee on Research & Publications and Graduate Awards:
Applications for grants are invited by means of advertisements placed on the University’s websites, Mona Messaging, and on Notice Boards.
Deadline Dates for Application - Three weeks before each meeting
The Campus Committee requires a report on the expenditure of the grant and on the progress of the research project.
Application forms available at, should be submitted online by the prescribed deadline, to the Assistant Registrar (Graduate Studies & Research).
Departmental awards are offered by various departments for pursuing research in specific areas. Part-time employment may also be available, and enquiries should be made to the Head of the Department and/or Dean of Faculty in which the student is pursuing a higher degree.
Graduate students may be employed within the University for up to twelve (12) hours a week without losing their full-time student status.
PhD candidates, having a maximum one year to completion, can apply for Teaching Assistantships through the Head of Department.