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Student Life


Studying away from home means being out of your comfort zone. No worries, at UWI Mona, you are able to create that home-away-from-home, residing in one of our 10 halls of residence on campus. Living on campus offers a great degree of safety and comfort and there is less hassle, being close to campus facilities. There is also assistance provided to students who wish to reside off campus, through the Lodgings Office, Office of Student Services and Development. For more information on our accommodation options please visit:


All non-Jamaican students admitted to the University of the West Indies (Mona Campus) are required to get an “Extension of Stay”. The International Students Office helps you to navigate the process which ensures your legal right to remain in Jamaica as a student. The International Students Office will guide you through this process and acts as the liaison between you and the Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA). Please see below our Immigration Fact Sheet – also be sure to visit the PICA website at

Estimated Cost of Living

Please click here to view the Estimated Cost of Living

UWI Clubs and Societies

Learn more about our Clubs and Societies

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