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Course Descriptions

CHIN1001 - Chinese Language 1A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: None
This course is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the Chinese language but have the interest and desire to learn both the language and the culture of the Chinese people. Students will be introduced to pinyin - the official system of romanization of Chinese characters based on their pronunciation. Students will learn the sounds and tones in Mandarin as well as how to recognize and write simple and frequently used characters. Important language learning skills to be emphasized are reading, writing, listening and speaking.
CHIN1002 - Chinese Language 1B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: CHIN1001
This course is intended for students who have successfully completed CHIN1001. Students will be introduced to more vocabulary, grammar points and sentence structures that may be applicable in our daily lives. All four language learning skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) will be developed. Additionally, students will be introduced to various aspects of the Chinese culture.
CHIN2001 - Chinese Language 2A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: CHIN1002
This course is intended to build on the linguistic competences acquired in CHIN1001 and CHIN1002. The course will expose students to a wide range of vocabulary and their usage as they learn how to form complex sentences using various Chinese sentence structures. Less pinyin will be used in the teaching of this course as students will be focusing more on characters. The four language learning skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) will be further developed. However, there will be a special focus on students being able to recognize and write characters.
CHIN2002 - Chinese Language 2B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: CHIN2001
This course is designed for students who have successfully completed CHIN 2001 (CN20B), and aims at further developing students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Throughout this course, students will learn vocabulary and expressions based on selected topics to be able to express themselves orally and in written form like native Chinese.
CHIN2214 - Survey of Chinese Culture
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: None
The study of Chinese language and culture has become important to contemporary Caribbean societies. This course will be useful to all students and especially to those engaged in the study of Mandarin in the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures. A deeper understanding of this culture will assist students to broaden their own knowledge base, develop an appreciation for humanity in general; as well as contribute to the goal of providing a global education.
CHIN3001 - Chinese Language 3A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: CHIN2002
This course builds on the competences acquired in CHIN1001, CHIN1002, CHIN2001 and CHIN2002. Based on a comparison of Chinese, English and other languages, a combination of methodologies is to be used to enable students to further master Chinese (Mandarin) grammar, acquire a large number of Chinese characters for the acquisition of communicative skills. In this way, students will acquire an all-round capability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating at an advanced level. Most importantly, students will be able to perform a wide range of communicative and linguistic functions in various real life situations.
CHIN3002 - Chinese Language 3B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: CHIN3001
Both the cultural and linguistic knowledge gained in CHIN3001 will be expanded in this course. Different Foreign Language Teaching strategies will be used to enable students to further master Chinese (Mandarin) for a wide range of purposes; including those which require more advanced language structures. Additionally, students will be able to communicate with users of Chinese in situations which require greater mastery of the main language learning skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will be equipped to able to perform a wide range of functions that require a high level of mastery, in various real-life situations.
FREN0101 - Beginners' French
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: None
An intensive course in French Language for students with no previous knowledge of the language. Students taking this course must also register for FREN0102. (This course is usually taken by International Relations majors)
FREN1000 - Intermediate French 1
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN0101 or CSEC French (Grade 2 or 3)
An intensive course in French Language for students with no previous knowledge in French except FREN0102, or students whose knowledge is deemed by the Department to be inadequate for admission to FREN1001 and FREN1002. (This course is usually taken by International Relations majors)
FREN1001 - French Language 1A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1010 or CAPE/GCE A’Level French*
This course introduces students to the study of French language at university level. During the six contact hours, students will be exposed to awareness raising exercises that focus on French grammar, reading and listening comprehension, the awareness here being on strategies to ensure effective reading and listening process writing in French, the analysis of texts of literary nature and oral expression. All classes are conducted in French to enable students to gain improved proficiency in the use of French to express themselves in both the oral and written modes on a variety of contemporary topics. Evaluation is by means of in-course testing and entry into FREN1002 is dependent upon the successful completion of FREN1001.
FREN1002 - French Language 1B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1001
This course introduces students to the study of French language at University level. During the six contact hours, students will be exposed to awareness raising exercises that focus on French grammar, reading and listening comprehension, the awareness here being on strategies to ensure effective reading and listening process writing in French, the analysis of texts of literary nature and oral expression. All classes are conducted in French to enable students to gain improved proficiency in the use of the French language to express themselves in both the oral and written modes on a variety of contemporary topics.
FREN1010 - Intermediate French 2
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1000 or CSEC French (Grade 1)
An intensive course in French Language for students whose knowledge is deemed by the Department to be inadequate for admission to FREN1001 and FREN1002. (This course can be taken by International Relations majors)
FREN1199 - French Language 1A & 1B
Credits: 6
Prerequiste: FREN1010 or CAPE/GCE A’Level French*
Summer course equivalent to FREN1001 and FREN1002. Offered subject to quota.
FREN1304 - Black Self-Representation in Francophone Caribbean and African Literature
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1305 or CAPE/GCE A’Level French
This course will introduce students to the writing of French Caribbean and French African authors through a study of selected poems and prose extracts. A study of one African novel and selected Caribbean poems. Caribbean authors include the following: Damas, Roumain, Glissant and Césaire.
FREN1305 - Contemporary France through French Cinema and Literature
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1010 or CAPE/GCE A’ Level French*
This course introduces Level I students of French to diverse issues in contemporary French literature, film and culture. It will help students to develop their critical and analytical skills through exposure to various French literary forms and films as well as to improve their mastery of the language. Two themes will be selected each year. Themes will include the Individual and society, Women’s Conditions, the Human Response to Technical Progress, Experience of War, etc. Issues related to the selected theme will be studied through literary texts and film (one text and one film). Selections will be supplemented with additional material.
FREN2001 - French Language 2A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1002
This course helps students build on the skills acquired at level 1. At this level, students work on texts and listening materials from a variety of sources to improve their listening comprehension, reading comprehension, oral and written expression. In listening and reading comprehension, students will learn how to use various strategies to understand and improve comprehension of texts at the advanced level. In oral and written expression, the focus will be on registering and selecting responses appropriate to the context.
FREN2002 - French Language 2B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN2001
This course builds on the skills acquired in FREN2001 but focuses on the specific area of translation from English into French and from French into English.
FREN2008 - French for the Hospitality Industry 3
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1000 or CSEC French (Grade 2 or 3)
FREN2108 - French for the Hospitality Industry 4
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN2008
FREN2214 - Francophone Culture
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1199 or FREN1001 & FREN1002
Students will discover various cultural, social, political and economic aspects of French speaking countries. The first part of the course will be devoted to introduce ‘Francophonie’ and its institutions. It focuses first at discussing the politics of Francophonie against the background of the creation and evolution of the Association des pays francophones, now Association des pays ayant le francias en partage. The following weeks will be devoted to the study of ‘Francophonie’ in different zones: first in Africa (Maghreb countries, Western and Equatorial Africa), then in Americas (Québec, Haiti and French Overseas Departments), in Asia (Cambodge, Viet-Nam), and finally in The Indian Ocean (lle de la Réunion, Madagasar, Comores…). Manuals, Films, literary extracts, newspaper articles, documentaries, music CD’s, personal knowledge and experience from special guests, will be used.
FREN2215 - French for International Relations
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1199 or FREN1001 & FREN1002
This special purpose language course has been developed to expand the scope of the French studies programme at Mona. It is specially designed for International Relations students who are pursuing a B.A. in French with International Relations, but it can also serve as an elective for students pursuing a minor in French. This course presents the lexical and functional specificities of French for diplomacy and gives an overview of the political and institutional organization of France and the European Union. In addition, the course describes the international framework, particularly the question of diplomatic practices, the specificities of cultural diplomacy and international organizations in the Francophone world. This language course is designed for Level II students, to develop their communicative abilities in French in a formal/diplomatic setting with an emphasis on oral expression. Students will also improve their language competence by engaging in discussions about international politics and different French political and ideological positions.
FREN2702 - The Development of Modern French
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN1199 or FREN1001 & FREN1002
A study of the development of the French language from the middle period to the modern period. This course analyses French grammar from the perspective of modern linguistics. It provides the students with an overview of the history of the French language leading to the constitution of standard French, with an overview of the actual diversity of regional French inside and outside France (Africa, Belgium, Canada, West Indies, etc.) A variety of written and audio visual material will be used to illustrate the lectures.
FREN2807 - Francophone Women Writers: Female Identity and Narrative Strategies
Credits: 3
This course is a “content” course in the French Studies Programme aiming at training language specialists for careers in French Foreign Language Teaching, Translation and other language-related areas (International Relations, International Trade, etc.). It is designed to provide French specialists with a more in-depth knowledge of the French language, literature and culture and develop their critical thinking skills through the study of literary works. This course looks at women’s issues from the perspective of Francophone women writers from different parts of the world including France, the Caribbean, Africa, North Africa, and Quebec.
FREN3001 - French Language 3A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN2001 & FREN2002
This course continues the integrated approach to the development of skills started at Level II. Using a range of authentic documents, students will focus on interactive communication in a number of different contexts, both oral and written. In written expressions, students will, for example, learn how to write formal letters for job applications, CVs and other real world tasks. The aim of instruction at this level is to further develop in students such skills as may be necessary to function in French in their chosen career. Evaluation is by means of in-course testing and at-home assignments in the range of skill areas studied.
FREN3002 - French Language 3B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN2199 or FREN3001
The aim of the instruction at this level is to further develop in students such skills as may be necessary to function in French in their chosen careers. In this course, students will continue their focus on translation of texts from French into English and from English into French. Their proficiency will be further enhanced, through the graded approach adopted in FREN2402 (F24B), through the translation of texts drawn from a variety of sources. More emphasis will be placed at this level on the meaning based approach to translation with equal emphasis placed on language and style. Evaluation is by means of in-course testing and at-home assignments in the range of skill areas studied.
FREN3003 - Business French
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN3001
FREN3118 - French for International Conferences
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN2001 or FREN2199
French is one of the major languages of the United Nations and other International Institutions. In response to increased demand for specialized foreign languages courses, this course will introduce students to the technical French of international relations and negotiations. This course is designed to reproduce an international conference setting during which various aspects of diplomatic negotiations will be envisaged with a view to using French at the formal/foreign affairs level.
FREN3502 - Introduction to Business French
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN2001 or FREN2199
FREN3507 - Caribbean Literature in French 1: Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN2002 and one of the following: any Level I Literature course in French (majors), any Level I Literature course in Spanish or English (non-majors)
This course examines three literary movements originating from the French Antilles (Négritude, Antillanité, Créolité), which had an impact on literary production in the region. Key works by major Martinician, Guadeloupean, and French Guyanese writers are studied within the social and political contexts of these French Departments in the Americas. Students will critically analyze creative works vis-à-vis theoretical texts associated with these literary movements.
FREN3508 - Caribbean Literature in French 2: Haiti
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: FREN2002 and one of the following: any Level I Literature course in French (majors), any Level I Literature course in Spanish or English (non-majors)
The course examines the three literary movements originating from the French Antilles (Negritude, Antillanité, Créolité), which have had an impact on literary production in the region. Key works by major Martinican, Guadeloupean, and French Guyanese writers are studied against the social and political background of the French Departments in the Americas. Students will critically analyze creative works vis-à-vis theoretical texts associated with these literary movements.
JAPA1001 - Beginners' Japanese 1
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: None
The aim of the course is to develop mastery of the basic grammar and writing system of the Japanese language as well as oral communication. Japanese alphabets (Hiragana and Katakana) will be introduced.
JAPA1002 - Beginners' Language 2
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: JAPA1001
The aim of the course is to continue to develop a mastery of the basic grammar and writing system of the Japanese language as well as oral communication. Some Kanji characters will be introduced.
JAPA2001 - Japanese Language 1A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: JAPA1002
In this course mastery of more advanced grammar is expected. Basic skills in speaking and listening are to be further enhanced. More Kanji characters will be introduced.
JAPA2002 - Japanese Language 1B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: JAPA2001
This course is the continuation of JAPA2001 and mastery of more advanced grammar is expected. Basic skills in speaking and listening are to be further enhanced. More kanjis will be introduced.
JAPA3001 - Japanese Language 2A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: JAPA2002
The aim of the course is to enable students to function linguistically in public and social situations. Mastery of more advanced grammar is expected. Basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing are to be further enhanced.
JAPA3002 - Japanese Language 2B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: JAPA3001
This course is the continuation of JAPA3001 and mastery of more advanced grammar is expected. The aim of the course is to enable students to function linguistically in public and social situations relevant to life in general. Basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing are to be further enhanced.
PORT0101 - Beginners' Portuguese 1A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: None
The aim of this course is to develop in participants receptive and productive skills that will enable them to use the target language effectively to communicate with native speakers in various social contexts at a basic level. Classroom activities will be based on real life situations.
PORT0102 - Beginners' Portuguese 1B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: PORT0101
The aim of this course is to continue to develop mastery of the basic grammar and writing of the Portuguese language in various social contexts. Classroom activities will be based on real life situations.
PORT1001 - Portuguese Language 1A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: PORT0102
This course aims to prepare students to an intermediate level of Portuguese. Students will continue to learn new grammatical structures and will be encouraged to explore authentic materials from Brazil such as newspaper articles and videos. The course will focus on reading and oral comprehension.
PORT1002 - Portuguese Language 1B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: PORT1001
This course is designed to further develop receptive and productive competence and to provide further input to increase students’ sociolinguistic fluency in Portuguese. Students will be presented with cultural situations which will allow them to advance beyond routine situations and equip them for competent interaction in the target language.
SPAN0101 - Beginners' Spanish
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: None
The aim of this course is to provide the student with the opportunities to acquire basic language skills.
SPAN1000 - Intermediate Spanish 1
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN0101 or CSEC Spanish (Grade 2 or 3)
Spanish language Intermediate I (SPAN1000) is taught face to face, 6 hours per week which includes 3 seminar hours, 2 hours of conversation and 1 hour in the language laboratory. The course includes grammar and language structures with increasing level of difficulty building from beginners or CSEC (2-3) which the students will develop by reading and writing. Particular emphasis is placed on the oral and listening skills. The aural element will be develop through spoken language using different registers/accents and listening to near-authentic materials. Students also will be exposed to the culture of the Hispanic World.
SPAN1001 - Spanish Language 1A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN1000 or CSEC Spanish (Grade 1)
In this course students will improve: (i) their mastery of the fundamentals of Spanish grammar and the development of student’s linguistic and socio-linguistic competence in the use of Spanish language. (ii) their comprehension of written and spoken Spanish from authentic sources (iii) their fluency in oral communication and competence in written expression
SPAN1002 - Spanish Language 1B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN1001
At the end of the course students will be able to: (i) Read critically in Spanish and grasp the main ideas expressed in texts appropriate for this level. This activity will also enable them to gain insight into the culture of Spanish speaking societies. (ii) Understand the most important points in the speech of native speakers (iii) Express themselves orally on different topics of interest and interact with native speakers with a fair command of the language. (iv) Express themselves in writing on different topics with an adequate command of the language at this level.
SPAN1010 - Intermediate Spanish 2
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN1000 or CSEC Spanish (Grade 1)
Spanish Language Intermediate II (SPAN1010) builds on the language skills and competencies acquired in SPAN1000 Intermediate I. Students will reinforce some grammatical elements and structure as well as learn more complex structures. These structures and vocabulary are essential elements for improving their communication skills both in speaking and writing. The course will be following a Communicative Language Teaching approach with particular emphasis placed on the oral and listening aspects of the course. The course will broaden students’ exposure to and understanding of Hispanic Culture. Students will be exposed to authentic materials and input from a variety of sources.
SPAN1012 - Basic Spanish for Medical Purposes
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: None
Within the linguistically diverse Caribbean and Latin American region, and the world at large, medical students are likely to encounter patients and medical practitioners who are Spanish speakers. This intensive course will give The UWI medical students the opportunity to better prepare themselves to perform within this intercultural context.
SPAN1214 - Introduction to Hispanic Popular Culture
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN1010 or CAPE Spanish*
This course will introduce students to the study of the multicultural Hispanic World through various texts, media (T.V and cinema) and practices which may include music, secular and religious rituals, traditional and contemporary artefacts. Emphasis will be placed not only on Spain and Latin America but also on the Hispanic communities living in USA.
SPAN1401 - Introduction to Spanish Peninsular Literature
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: Any one of the following: CAPE Spanish*, SPAN1010 with any Level I Literature course or CSEC English Literature, SPAN1000 with any Level I Literature course or CSEC English Literature
This course introduces students to the 20th Century Spanish Literature and develops not only their language but also the critical and analytical skills necessary for the study of literature. The course also offers an overview of Spanish society and culture at the time. The three works of the course include novel and drama. The works may include but are not limited to La Lluvia amarilla by Julio Llamazares, Entre visillos by Carmen Martín Gaite and Yerma by Federico García Lorca.
SPAN1402 - Introduction to Spanish-American Literature
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: Any one of the following: CAPE Spanish*, SPAN1010 with any Level I Literature course or CSEC English Literature, SPAN1000 with any Level I Literature course or CSEC English Literature
In this course students will develop their critical and analytical skills through a study of poems and short stories from Spanish America.
SPAN2001 - Spanish Language 2A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN1002
The course enables students to continue developing and improving their levels of competence in reading, listening, writing and speaking. The cultural component is an important part of the course. Students are exposed to cultural manifestations from the Hispanic culture by use of authentic written and oral materials.
SPAN2002 - Spanish Language 2B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN2001
This is the sequel to SPAN2501. Students will be expected to have developed a higher level of competence in all areas at the end of this course: reading comprehension, oral expression, listening comprehension, translation and composition.
SPAN2008 - Hospitality Spanish 3
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: CSEC Spanish or SPAN1000
This course provides the opportunity to review the basic Spanish communicative skills acquired at the beginning level and to develop the necessary socio-cultural and socio-linguistic competencies needed to communicate with Spanish-speaking clients/customers in the service industry. This course will expose students to a wider range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to complement their training in the Hospitality Industry.
SPAN2108 - Hospitality Spanish 4
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: CSEC Spanish or SPAN2008
This course provides the opportunity to continue reviewing the basic Spanish communicative skills acquired in SPAN2008 and to develop the necessary socio-linguistic competencies needed to communicate with Spanish-speaking clients/customers in the service industry. It includes giving instructions, understanding basic questions and responses, and mastering industry-specific vocabulary that pertains to tourism, lodging, and food and beverage sectors of the hospitality industry.
SPAN2302 - 20th Century Spanish-American Narrative
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: Level I Literature course AND SPAN1199/SPAN1002
This course will focus on various aspects of the Spanish American novel since the early 20th century. It is designed to allow students to the literary representation of issues such as politics, race, history, gender and culture, which are treated in this narrative and will demonstrate some of the major developments in the form of the novel and methods of narration.
SPAN2501 - Spanish to English Translation 1
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN2001
This course has been designed to provide students of Spanish with a marketable skill. It introduces them to basic translation concepts and helps them to develop an understanding of the translation process. The course provides a learning experience in both Spanish and English. Its main objective will be to sensitize students to important differences between the two languages (grammatical structure, vocabulary, word order, verb tenses etc.). Students will begin to develop the competence to translate Spanish texts into English. Learning activities will involve intensive practice using short exercises and translation of extended authentic Spanish texts. In addition to building vocabulary in both languages, students will improve their reading comprehension skills in Spanish and sharpen their English expression.
SPAN2705 - Literature of the Spanish Caribbean
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN1002 AND any Level 1 course in Spanish, French or English Literature
The aims of the course are as follows: (i) To expose students to a selection of literary works produced by writers from the Spanish speaking Caribbean. (ii) To examine the responses of the writers to issues associated with their respective societies. These issues include race, neo-colonialism, gender and the search for identity. Works will be selected from different genres and the literary devices associated with these genres will be examined.
SPAN3001 - Spanish Language 3A
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN2002
This advanced course enables students to achieve a high level of competence in reading, listening, writing, speaking for real-life communication and translating. The cultural dimension of language learning is an important aspect of the course. Authentic material is used to explore different aspects of the culture of Spanish-speaking people.
SPAN3002 - Spanish Language 3B
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN3001
This advanced course is the sequel to SPAN3501. It will enable students to achieve a higher level of competence in reading, listening, writing and speaking for real -life communication. The cultural dimension of language learning is an important aspect of the course. Authentic material is used to explore aspects of the culture of Spanish-speaking people. The course involves mostly work in Spanish covering the same five areas in SPAN3501. Receptive and productive skills are developed through more complex and challenging exercises and activities in reading comprehension, listening comprehension, translation into Spanish, written and creative expression and conversation. Students will undertake more in-depth analysis of reading passages regarding concepts, thoughts, ideas and specific grammatical structures with special attention to oral and written activities. Their skills in translation will continue to be developed at a higher level through a variety of material. Practical exercises in written creative expression will allow them to improve their mastery and correct use of grammar and to express their own view in a more flexible framework. Listening comprehension sessions will continue to give them further and more challenging practice through a variety of audio-visual material taken from authentic and real daily life situations in the Hispanic world and cultural information. Conversation classes provide students with more challenging opportunities for interactive activities and use of skills acquired throughout the course.
SPAN3301 - Issues in Contemporary Cuban Culture
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN1002 & any level 1 Course in Spanish, French or English Literature
This course examines the experimentation and controversies expressed in literature and deriving from the revolutionary contexts in Cuba since 1959. Students will be required to select a research topic at the start of the course.
SPAN3302 - Literature of the Cuban Revolution
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN1002 & any level 1 course in French, Spanish or English Literature
This course examines the impact of the Cuban Revolution on literature in that society. The varied responses to radical social and political change and a changed ideological environment will be considered through the traditional genres, within the context of the interaction of the state with cultural and literary expressions.
SPAN3501 - Spanish to English Translation 3
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: At least a B in SPAN2002
This course will build on the foundation provided by SPAN2503 and give students in their final year practice in the translation of a variety of documents from Spanish to English. These will include newspaper articles on current regional and global issues, speeches, formal correspondence, journal articles and business related documents. Learning activities will include oral translation and translation editing.
SPAN3502 - Business Spanish
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN2002
At the end of the course students will be able to: (i) Understand the general business concepts and terminology used in the Hispanic business world. (ii) Understand different types of business communications and documents most commonly used in Spanish speaking countries. (iii) Prepare and write fairly well different types of business documents and correspondence using the appropriate business repertoire. (iv) Translate into Spanish certain types of correspondence and documents using the appropriate business terminology and technical vocabulary. (v) Relate at the socio-cultural and psychological levels to “social and business-related cultural patterns of the Hispanic World.”
SPAN3702 - Spanish-American Women's Narrative
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN2001 AND any Level II Literature course (majors) OR any Level I Literature course (elective)
This course involves a study of the contribution made by female writers to the corpus of 20th century Spanish American Fiction. The focus will be on female concerns and more specifically on the strategies used in the treatment of gender issues raised by the writers. The critical approach to be used will draw on Feminist Literary Theory.
SPAN3714 - Revolution and Film: Third Cinema in Latin America
Credits: 3
Prerequiste: SPAN2001 AND any Level I course in French, Spanish or English Literature
The course examines a range of films from Latin America, focusing on their capacity to enact and depict national identities, memory and socio-politics. Latin American cinema has the potential to portray controversial issues through a set of film techniques and a different narrative. The course explores Latin American cinema over the past 65 years, examining its evolution from the so-called Third Cinema movement of the late 1950s-1970s, to the global success of more recent productions which have transformed the landscape of the rich national film industries and film cultures of the region. From Brazil’s Cinema Novo movement to today’s Latin American New Cinema, students will consider this diverse body of work as both social and aesthetic practices. Students will also explore some of the main influences of the films such as Neorealism, Documentary film, etc.
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