The Government of the People’s Republic of China
The Government of the People’s Republic of China offers 8-12 scholarships to Jamaican Nationals each year to study in China. These are advertised in January. For further information, contact the Scholarship Unit at the Ministry of Finance.
Scholarships from Taiyuan University of Technology
Scholarships from Taiyuan University of Technology are available. For further information contact the Confucius Institute. They are located at 6 Gibraltar Road, The UWI, Mona Campus. Telephone 876-927-0375.
University of Jinan
University of Jinan is authorized by Education Department of Shandong Provincial Government to undertake Shandong Provincial Government Scholarship Program for International Students. The scholarship will cover the application fee, tuition fee, accommodation fee, insurance and basic living allowance for international students who study at University of Jinan.
To be eligible, applicants should:
- be non-Chinese nationality, physically and mentally healthy, aged between 18~40 for degree study and 18-60 for non-degree study, with high school degree or above;
- be a bachelor’s degree holder with the CGPA above 3.0 when applying for postgraduate programs;
- have the following language proficiency:
- HSK5 or above for Chinese language teaching programs;
- for English language teaching programs, applicants from Non-English-Speaking countries should achieve an English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL with the score of 90.
- No language requirements for Chinese language Programs.
Please contact the Department or the International Students Office for further information and how to apply.
Université des Antilles- (U.A.)
A student exchange agreement exists with the Université des Antilles. Under this arrangement, students in French will be able to spend one semester or an academic year at the Schoelcher Campus of the U.A., in Martinique. Students participating in this exchange programme are normally second-year (Level 2) students.
University of Bordeaux Teaching Assistantships
Postgraduate students of French may apply for one-year English Language Teaching Assistantships at the University of Bordeaux.
UWI-UA-Université Bordeaux 4 (Political Sciences)
International Relations Students interested to pursue their studies up to the Masters Level, are offered in this programme the possibility of spending 1 year in Bordeaux and 1 year at the UA during your undergraduate studies and 1 more year in Bordeaux for the Masters level. For further information contact the Department of Government in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Contact Persons: Dr. Kavita Johnson.
Concordia University
There is also a student exchange agreement between the UWI and Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Through this programme, students of French can have a semester- or year-long immersion experience in a French-speaking city. Students who participate in this programme are eligible to apply for scholarships from the government of Canada, such as the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP). Interested students should contact the International Students Office at the UWI for further information.
French Government - Teaching Assistant Programme in France (TAPIF/“Postes d’Assistant”)
All students taking French beyond the First Year are normally expected to have spent at least one vacation in a Francophone country. A number of students and graduates of the Department have been able to spend seven months in France or the French Antilles while working as English Language Tutors in French schools. Notices inviting applications for the programme are published by the French Embassy in Jamaica, usually in early December. Students are advised to consult these on the French Embassy website, UWI Mona email service, the Departmental Notice Board and in the press. Students from countries other than Jamaica who are thinking of applying are advised to write as early as possible in the academic year to the office responsible for their territory.
Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme
Graduating students may apply for posts as English Language Teaching Assistants in Japanese High Schools and other Learning Institutions. Applications should be submitted in October/November. Please check the Faculty and the Department Notice Boards or contact the Japanese Embassy for details.
Japanese Scholarship (Monbushokagasho Scholarship)
Each year the Japanese government offers a postgraduate scholarship to study in a Japanese University. Please check the Faculty and the Department Notice Boards or contact the Japanese Embassy for details.
Dokkyo University in Japan – Exchange Programme
Please check the Faculty and the Department Notice Boards or contact the International Students’ Office for details.
UWI/Colombia Exchange
Spanish students can participate in the 4-week summer exchange programme between UWI Campuses and Universities in Colombia. This exchange will normally take place between June and July. Please check the Faculty and the Department Notice Boards or contact the Latin American-Caribbean Centre for details.
UWI/Universidad de Guantánamo
Please check with the International Students’ Office for further details.
Teaching Assistantship – Colombia
Graduating students of Spanish may apply for posts as English Language teaching Assistants in Colombian Universities. Please check the Department Notice board for details or contact the Latin American and Caribbean Centre (LACC).
UWI/Costa-Rica Exchange and Quality Leadership Programme with the Office of Student Services and Development (OSSD)
Ten UWI Level II and III students registered in the Quality Leadership Programme have the opportunity to visit the University of Costa Rica in June. This exchange programme is primarily cultural and includes community service and language learning. Knowledge of Spanish, though not required, would be an asset for those selected to represent Mona. Contact: Office of Student Services and Development for further details.
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It offers students studying Spanish at the UWI, Mona to study for a semester at the Universidad de Valladolid. This opportunity allows students to experience studying at an international university, develop their communication and language skills as well as soft skills. Visit the International Student Office for more information and how to apply.