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HOD Welcome

Welcome to the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures! We are a dynamic, international and student-centered team committed to develop linguistic, literary and culturally competent individuals who think critically and communicate effectively in local, national and global communities. In an increasingly diverse world, the study of foreign languages is critical to engaging us in our global society, preparing us to live, work and lead as informed citizens. As language, literature and culture are deeply intertwined, to advance the linguistic and cultural competencies in one or more foreign languages offers students new perspectives and the right tools to succeed in further studies and careers.

Mastering languages not only includes speaking and writing proficiency in the target language but also increases one's appreciation and critical analysis of the literatures and cultures that share that language. Through an interdisciplinary approach, collaborative work and autonomous learning, our faculty members seek to develop students as world citizens helping them acquire knowledge, awareness and empathy towards other communities, enhancing critical thinking and effective communication in culturally sensitive ways.

The Department's enthusiastic atmosphere and the extensive exposure to the target language and culture, through new initiatives and practices, equip students beyond functioning in the language, allowing them to perform effectively in a globalized and complex world, gaining a genuine appreciation of difference and increasing their potential for economic and social development within and outside the Caribbean. Our students can compete in both private and public sectors, as national and international organizations view knowledge of foreign languages and the cultural awareness that goes along with it as a feature that enhances the value of a potential employee. Our graduates have found careers in not only education (translation and interpretation, research, teaching, library work, etc.) and arts, but also beyond humanities in diplomacy, business and industry, social work, tourism and travel.

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures provides students with proficient and intercultural competence necessary for the global society of the 21st Century, motivating and inspiring students to interact with people from other countries and cultures. I assure that your journey with us will be a memorable experience.

Teresa Villoria-Nolla, Ph.D.
Head of Department
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