The vision is that the UWI School of Nursing, Mona will be recognized regionally and internationally for providing excellence in nursing education through innovative programmes that are responsive to global health challenges and for generating high quality interdisciplinary and international research.
The mission of the UWI School of Nursing, Mona, is to lead the Caribbean region in delivering undergraduate and postgraduate evidence-based nursing education which reflects international standards; engaging students and nurses/midwives in scientific and scholarly inquiry and critical thinking; facilitating the transfer of knowledge and skills that foster caring throughout the life cycle and the wellness-illness continuum; and promoting excellence in evidence-based practice in nursing/midwifery.
The core values of the UWI School of Nursing, Mona (UWISON) are excellence; integrity; caring; mutual
respect; loyalty and commitment to the standards of UWI, UWISON, and the nursing/midwifery
professions; professionalism; and consistent quality in service and evidence-based practice.
The UWISON shares the goals of the University in teaching, research and community services. It's purposes are to:
- Prepare undergraduate and graduate degree level professional nurses for the Caribbean, in order to improve the quality and quantity of nursing and health care that are available to the peoples of the region.
- Collaborate with other nursing/health and selected institutions and agencies, with a view to strengthening the health care services of the Caribbean.
- Provide leadership and direction for the progressive development of the nursing profession in the region.
- Develop and maintain mutually beneficial contacts/affiliations with relevant regional and international institutions/agencies.
- Pursue a research agenda.
Aims of UWISON
- Provide a state of the art centre for scholarship, research and clinical specialization.
- Prepare motivated nurses for leadership within the health care and related services of the region and global economy.
- Provide appropriate, stimulating, practical experiences in teaching, administration/management, clinical nursing and research to develop high- powered practitioners.
- Deepen, strengthen, and broaden knowledge and skills in clinical and functional nursing while facilitating the development of effective critical thinkers who are geared to apply evidence-based practice in their areas of specialty.
- Provide stimulating opportunities to develop creative, transferable skills in clinical specialization, teaching, administration/management and research.
- Provide a unique baccalaureate programme to prepare caring nurses for beginning practice in multifaceted health care environments and to facilitate eventual advancement to graduate education.
- Engage graduate nursing students in critical analysis of national, regional and global nursing and health issues/problems, while exploring solutions within economic, geopolitical and social environments.
- Expose graduate students to a variety of teaching and learning experiences/environments through multi-disciplinary educational and clinical interactions.
- Strengthen/foster personal, interpersonal, and professional values and attitudes through continuing education with particular reference to individuals, their families, the community, and the health team.
- Integrate ethical principles, legal accountability, and accepted responsibility in the delivery of evidence-based nursing care to individuals, families, and community.