NURS 3044 |
3 |
Leadership in Nursing Practice |
This course enables students to analyze contemporary theoretical concepts, principles and processes of leadership and their application to nursing practice. |
NURS 3034 |
Introduction to Nursing Research |
This course exposes learners to the scientific method of investigation and its relevance in investigating phenomena in nursing and health care. Learners are guided in critiquing published research findings and also in evaluating evidence and theoretical frameworks that have applicability to nursing practice. |
FOUN 1301 |
Law, Governance, Economy and Society in the Caribbean |
This course introduces students to some of the major institutions in Caribbean society and to the historical and contemporary aspects of Caribbean society. |
FOUN 1101 |
Caribbean Civilization |
This course enables students to develop awareness in the main process of cultural development in Caribbean societies. |
FOUN 1001 |
English for Academic Purposes |
This course enables students to achieve the level of competence in written language that is required for the undergraduate programmes. |
SOCI 1005 |
Introductory Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences |
This course introduces students to basic univariate and bivariate statistics. It focuses on levels of measurement and the appropriate interpretation of each statistic computed. |
SOCI 1002 |
Introduction to Sociology |
This course introduces students to some of the basic concepts of sociology and major sociological perspectives. It also examines Caribbean culture, the nature of Caribbean society and some of its most important institutions. |
NURS 1012 |
3 |
Basic Biochemistry |
This course provides a linkage between metabolism and the existence of life and enables students to apply evidence-based knowledge in planning patient care throughout the life cycle and along the wellness-illness continuum. |
NURS 1113 |
Epidemiology |
This course provides an overview of the determination and natural progression of disease and the impact of disease on individuals, families, and communities and enables the student to think critically and apply evidence-based practice |
NURS 2027 |
Nursing Care of Patience 65 years and Older |
This course is the elective for the Post RN Programme. It is designed to give the student an opportunity to expand his/her knowledge and skill related to the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health of the elderly client and family in institutional and community settings. |
NURS 3002 |
Human Physiology and Pathophysiology |
This course will enable learners to explore the normal organizational functions of the human body, throughout its wellness-illness continuum, and use this knowledge, along with evidence-based nursing to discuss clinical manifestations of pathophysiological processes. |
NURS 3035 |
Senior Clinical Practicum |
This course builds on previous clinical experiences of students and enables them to integrate evidence-based knowledge and best nursing care practices in caring for aggregates of patients throughout the life cycle and along the wellness-illness continuum. |
NURS 3001 |
Anatomy |
Knowledge of anatomy will provide the student with a better understanding of how the human body is structured and its application to practice. |
NURS 3304 |
Nutrition |
This course enables practicing nurses to acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of current concepts and principles of human nutrition and enables them to apply principles and knowledge based of current research evidence in nutrition to nursing practice. |
NURS 3042 |
Nursing Theories and Practice Application |
This course will enable learners to use critical thinking skills as they examine the evolution of nursing theory development from a global perspective. |
NURS 3041 |
Caring in Nursing and Health Care Delivery |
This course enables learners through use of the nursing process, to be engaged in critical thinking and reflective analysis of concepts, theories and elements of caring. |
NURS 3040 |
Nursing Process and Health Care Delivery |
This course highlights the theory and practice of health assessment and emphasizes the interrelatedness of the nursing process. Students will gain knowledge and skills in history taking, physical examination techniques, and mental status assessment. |