Cavelle Allen

Clinical Instructor

Peer-reviewed Journals

  1. Walters, C. (2015). Student-Centeredness: A Concept Analysis. Caribbean Journal of Nursing, 2(1); 19-27.

Commentary/Short Communication

  1. Allen, C., Stanley, S., Cascoe, K., & Stennett, R. (2017). Academic Dishonesty among Undergraduate Nursing Students. International Archives of Nursing and Health Care,3(3). doi:10.23937/2469-5823/1510074.1.

Oral Presentations

  1. Allen, C., Walker, M., Munroe, D., Stanley, S. & Cascoe, K. “Factors related to student-centred teaching methodology in an undergraduate nursing programme at two nursing institutions in Kingston, Jamaica.” The UWI School of Nursing’s Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference - May, 2017.


  1. Cascoe, K., Stanley, S., Stennett, R., & Allen, C. (2017, May). Undergraduate nursing students at risk of failure [Editorial]. Nurse Education Today52, 121-122.