Pauline Anderson-Johnson

Pauline Anderson-Johnson
MSc, BScN, Cert N Admin, RN

Research Interests

  • Adolescents Health
  • HIV
  • Physical Activity
  • Diabetes Mellitus

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals:

  1. Brown, K., Anderson-Johnson, P., & McPherson, A. N. (2016). Academic-related stress among graduate students in nursing in a Jamaican school of nursing. Nurse Education in Practice, 20, 117-124.

  2. Bryan, V. D., Lindo, J., Anderson-Johnson, P. & Weaver, S. (2014). Using Carl Rogers' Person Centered Model to Explain Interpersonal Relationships at a School of Nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing.

  3. Chisholm-Ford, S. L., Anderson-Johnson, P., Waite, M. J., & Garriques-Lloyd, S. N. (2016). Professional values of baccalaureate nursing students in Jamaica. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(3), p47.

  4. Jones, k., Lindo, J.L.M., Anderson-Johnson, P. & Hepburn-Brown, C. (2014). Patient satisfaction with nurse practitioner delivered services at two Health Centres in Jamaica. Contemporary Nurse, 4972-4993.

  5. Less, L. A., Ragoobirsingh, D., Morrison, E. Y., Boyne, M., & Johnson, P. A. (2010). A preliminary report on an assessment of a community-based intervention for diabetes control in adults with type 2 diabetes. Family Practice, 27(suppl 1), i46-i52.

  6. Lindo, JLM, Stennett, R., Wilson, K., Barrett, K., Bunnaman, D., Anderson-Johnson, P., Waugh-Brown, V. & Wint, Y. (2016). An audit of Nursing Documentation at three Jamaican public hospitals. Nursing Scholarship. doi 10.1111/jnu.12234

  7. Xuereb, G., Anderson-Johnson, P., Ragoobirsingh D. & Morrison, E. (2014). Impact of a Program to Improve Quality of Diabetes Care in the Caribbean. Journal of Research in Diabetes, vol. 2014, Article ID 149397, doi: 10.5171/2014.149397.

  8. Hewitt-Thompson, K., Rae, T., & Anderson-Johnson, P. (2016). A Descriptive, Cross- Sectional Study Analyzing the Characteristics of an Effective Clinical Instructor: Perceptions of Baccalaureate Nursing Students. International Journal of Nursing,3(2), 20-29. doi:10.15640/ijn.v3n2a3


  1. Anderson-Johnson, P., Foster-Jackson, S. & McPherson, A. “Barriers towards research utilization”; Theta Tau International's 27th International Nursing Research Congress. Theta Tau International's 27th International Nursing Research Congress. July 21 – 25, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. In Sigma Theta Tau International's 27th International Nursing Research Congress. STTI. Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository.

  2. Foster-Jackson, S., McPherson, A. & Anderson-Johnson, P. (2016). Barriers towards research utilization. Caribbean Journal of Nursing, 3(1) Suppl. 4.

Papers Presented (Oral Presentations):

  1. Anderson-Johnson, P. & Nelson, J. “Testing a model of clarity of self, role and system as predictors of job satisfaction of nurses in Jamaica”. Sigma Theta Tau's 23rd International Nursing Research Congress. Brisbane, Australia. July 29-August 3, 2012.

  2. Jones, K., Lindo, JLM. & Anderson-Johnson, P. “ Patient satisfaction with nurse practitioner delivered services at two Health Centres in Kingston and St. Andrew”. Ministry of Health Jamaica, 3rd Annual National Research Conference, Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, November 22-23, 2012.

Poster Presentations:

  1. Lindo, JLM, Holder-Nevins, D., Dover Roberts, D., Dawkins, P., Anderson-Johnson, P. & Bennett, J. “Building research capacity among graduate students using action research at a school of nursing in Jamaica”. West Indian Medical Journal 61 (Suppl. 6).