Eulalia Kahwa
- Asthma
- Nutrition
Kahwa, E. (2010).Anticardiolipin Antibodies in Jamaican Women: The relationship to thromboembolic diseases and pregnancy outcomes. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellsschaft & Co. KG. ISBN: 978-3-639-25042-8 (156 pages).
Edwards, N; Kaseje, D; & Kahwa, E. (Eds) (2016). Building and Evaluating Research Capacity in Healthcare Systems: Case Studies and Innovative Models. UCT Press, Cape Town, South Africa. ISBN 978-1-55250-588-5.
Book Chapters:
Kahwa, E., Edwards, N. Mortley, N. (2016) Research Capacity Building: Literature Review & Theoretical Framework: In Edwards, N; Kaseje,D; & Kahwa, E.(Eds) (2016). Building and Evaluating Research Capacity in Healthcare Systems: Case Studies and Innovative Models, UCT Press, Cape Town, South Africa. ISBN 978-1-55250-588-5.
Bender, A., Edwards, Kahwa, E., Kaseje D. (2016) Developing Capacity through a Participatory Action Research Approach.In Edwards, N; Kaseje,D; & Kahwa, E.(Eds) (2016). Building and Evaluating Research Capacity in Healthcare Systems: Case Studies and Innovative Models, UCT Press, Cape Town, South Africa. ISBN 978-1-55250-588-5.
Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Edwards, N., Kahwa E., Hoogeveen, K. (2017) Results of an Integrative Analysis: A Call for Contextualizing HIV and AIDS Clinical Practice Guidelines to Support Evidence-Based Practice. Worldviews on Evidence –Based Nursing, 2017:00.0, 1-17 DOI: 10.1111/wvn.12247
Edwards, N., Kaseje, D., Kahwa, E., Klopper, HC., Mill, J., Webber, J., Roelofs, S. & Harrowing, J. (2016) The impact of leadership hubs on the uptake of evidence informed nursing practices and workplace policies for HIV care: A quasi-experimental study in Jamaica, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa. Implementation Science 11:11. doi 10.1186/s13012-016-0478-3
Mill, J. Davison, C. Ritcher, S. Etowa, J. Edwards, N. Kahwa, E., Walusimbi, M. Harrowing, J. (2014). Qualitative Research in an International Research Program: Maintaining Momentum while Building Capacity in Nurses. International Journal of Qualitative Methods,13:151-169
Davison, C., Kahwa, E., Edwards, E., Atkinson,U., Roelofs, S., Hepburn-Brown, C., Aiken, J., Dawkins, P., Rae, T., & McFarlane, D. (2013). Ethical Challenges and Opportunities for Nurses in HIV and AIDS Community-Based Participatory Research in Jamaica. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Ethics. 8 (1), 55-67. doi: 10.1525/jer.2013.8.1.55
Richter, M.S., Mill, J., Muller, R., Kahwa, E., Etowa, J., Dawkins, P., Hepburn, C. & Ssegujja (2013) Nurses Engagement in AIDS Policy development. International Nursing Review, 60(1), 52-58.
Wright-Myrie, D., Kahwa, E. & Dover-Roberts, D. (2013). Nutrition in critical illness: The importance of Critical care nurses’ knowledge and skills in the nutritional management of patient s requiring intensive care: A literature review. Caribbean Journal of Nursing, 1(1), 49-55.
Hutchinson, M.K., Smith, T., Waldron, N., Kahwa, E., Hamilton, P., Hewitt, H., & Kang, S. (2012). Validation of the Jamaican maternal sexual role modeling (MSRM) scale. West Indian Medical Journal, 61(9). doi: 10.7727/wimj.2011.198.
Kahwa, E. K., Waldron, N. K., Younger, N. O., Edwards, N. C., Knight -Madden, J. M., Bailey, K. A., Wint, Y. B. & Lewis-Bell, K. N. (2012).Asthma and Allergies in Jamaican Children age 2-17 years: a cross-sectional prevalence survey. BMJ Open, 2(4): e001132.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001132
Waldron, N. K., Hutchinson, M. K., Hewitt,H. H., Kahwa, E. K. & Hamilton, P. I. (2012). Cross cultural psychometric assessment of the parent- teen sexual risk communication (PTSRC-lll) scale in Jamaica. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2(2):202-213,doi:10.4236/ojpm.2012.22030
Hutchinson, M., Kahwa, E., Waldron, N., Hepburn-Brown, C., Hamilton, P., Hewitt, H., Aiken, J., Cederbaum, J., Alter, E. & Sweet-Jemmott, L. (2012). Jamaican mothers’ influences of adolescent girls’ beliefs and sexual behaviours. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(1), 27-35.
Elyssa, B., Wood, M., Hutchinson, K., Kahwa, E., Hewitt, H. & Waldron, N. (2011). Big men Carry big Money: Relationships between adolescent girls and older partners in Jamaica. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(4), 329-433. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2011.01418.x
Greenwood, H., Edwards, N., Hoogbruin, A., Kahwa, E., Odhiambo, O. & Buong, J. (2011). A Review of Equity Issues in quantitative studies on health inequalities: the Case of Asthma in Adults. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11(104), doi: 10.1186/1471-2288
Kahwa, E. K., Younger, N. O., Wint, Y. B., Waldron, N. K., Hewitt, H. H., Knight -Madden, J. M., Bailey, K. A., Edwards, N. C., Talabere, L. R. & Lewis–Bell K., N. (2010). The Jamaica asthma and allergies national prevalence survey: rationale and methods. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 10(29). doi:10.1186/1471-2288-10
Edwards, N., Webber, J., Mill, J., Kahwa, E. & Roelofs, S. (2009). Building Capacity for Nurse-led Research. International Nursing Review, 56(1), 88-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-7657.2008.00683.x
Hutchinson, M. K., Jemmott, L. S., Vasas, E. B., Hewitt, H. H, Kahwa, E. K., Waldron, N. & Bonaparte, B.(2007). Culture-Specific Factors Contributing to HIV Risk among Jamaican Adolescents. Journal of Association of Nurses in AIDS care, 18(2), 35-47.
Edwards, N., Kahwa, E., Kaseje, D., Mill, J., Webber, J. & Roelofs, S. (2007). Strengthening Health Care Systems for HIV and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean: A Program of Research. Caribbean Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2, 29-36.
Kahwa, E. K., Sargeant, L. A., MacCaw - Binns, A., MacFarlane Anderson, N., Smikle, M., Forrester, T. & Wilks, R. (2006). Anticardiolipin antibodies in Jamaican primiparae. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 26(2), 122-126.
Kahwa, E. K., Sargeant, L. A., MacFarlane Anderson, N., Smikle, M., Forrester, T. & Wilks, R. J. (2001). Anticardiolipin antibodies and risk of thromboembolic disease in young Jamaican women. Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, 8(6), 349-354.
Sargeant L, Kahwa E, Wilks RK. (2001). Anticardiolipin antibodies are not an independent risk factor for Stroke. Stroke, 32(5)1289-1293.
Published Abstracts:
Kahwa, E. K., Younger, N. O., Waldron, N. K., Bailey, K. A., Knight -Madden, J. M., Wint, Y. B. & Lewis–Bell K., N. (2011). The status of asthma in Jamaica. West Indian Medical Journal 60(Suppl.4):17.
Kahwa, E. K., Younger, N. O., Waldron, N. K., Knight -Madden, J. M., Bailey, K. A. & Wint, Y. B. (2011) Asthma and allergies among the elderly in Jamaica: the relationship with smoking. West Indian Medical Journal 60(Suppl.4):17.
Waldron, N. K., Kahwa, E. K., Younger, N. O., Knight -Madden, J. M., Bailey, K. A. & James, K. (2011). Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and asthma in Jamaican Women aged 20-44 years. West Indian Medical Journal 60(Suppl.4):46.
Pilgrim-Prince, J. A., Knight -Madden, J. M., Kahwa, E. K., Anderson-Johnson, P. & Lindo, JLM . (2011). Non adherence to asthma medication in adults with asthma attending an outpatient clinic in Jamaica. West Indian Medical Journal 60(Suppl.4):47.
Bailey, K. A., Younger, N. O., Knight -Madden, J. M., Kahwa, E. K. & Waldron, N. K. (2011) Characterization of self reported asthma in an island-wide survey of children 2-17 years old in a developing country. West Indian Medical Journal 60(Suppl.4):43.
Bailey, K. A., Younger, N. O., Knight -Madden, J. M., Kahwa, E. K., Waldron, N. K. & Wint, Y. B. (2011). Knowledge of asthma triggers, triggers of asthma exacerbations and health care utilization in Jamaican children with doctor diagnosed asthma. West Indian Medical Journal, 60(Suppl.4):23-24.
Heslop-Barnett, G. S., Waldron, N. K., Kahwa, E. K., Anderson-Johnson, P. & Lindo, JLM. (2011). Asthma knowledge, attitudes and asthma control in Jamaican adults. West Indian Medical Journal, 60(Suppl.4):22.
Kahwa, E., Edwards, N., Etowa, J., Dawkins, D., Atkinson, U., Watson, F., Muller, R., Aiken, J., Kaseje, D., Koppler, H., Walusimbi, M. & Chalo, R. (2010). Perspectives of frontline nurses and nurse managers on the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the nursing workforce in Sub - Saharan Africa and the Caribbean. The Caribbean Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 5(38).
Etowa, J., Edwards, N., Kahwa, E., Dawkins, P., Maysenhoelder, H., Atkinson, U., Muller, R., Watson, F., Aiken, J., Chalo R., Kaseje, D., Koppler, H. & Walusimbi, M. (2010) Nurses’ engagement in research and policy development in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 5(40).
Edwards, N., Mill, J., Walusimbi, M., Kaseje, D., Kahwa, E., Klopper, H., Maysenhoelder, H., Atkinson, U. & Okeyo, N. (2010). A comparison of perceived HIV/AIDS Stigma for nurses and midwives working in Uganda, Kenya, South Africa and Jamaica. The Caribbean Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 5(65).
External research funding
Year |
Source |
Amount |
Role |
2006 |
Edwards, N., Kahwa, E., Kaseje, D. Strengthening nurses’ capacity in HIV Policy Development in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean: A program of research and capacity building. (Global Health Research Initiative, CIHR,CIDA, IDRC)
Hutchinson K, Hewitt H, Kahwa E, Waldron N. et al. Jamaica Mother-Daughter HIV risk reduction project National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Edwards, N Kaseje, D, Kahwa, E., Documenting Capacity Strengthening Approaches and Best Practices across Teasdale-Corti Team Grants” (Global Health Research Initiative CIHR,CIDA, IDRC)
Kahwa, E. Davidson, C. Edwards,N.Enhancing the Function and Impact of Nursing “Leadership Hubs” A knowledge transfer and exchange strategy for HIV and AIDS policy development in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean CIHR,CIDA, IDRC)
International Development Research Centre Principal Investigator: N Edwards, Klopper, H., Van der Walt SJC., Muller CE., Minnie, C., Kahwa, E., Richter, S., Duncan, S., Owino, J., Akello, P.A strategy for scaling-up and sustaining a research internship and mentoring roles. (International Development Research Centre : N Edwards, D. Kaseje, E.Kahwa Strengthening nurses’ capacity in HIV policy development in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean. International Development Research Council, Teasdale-Corti Letter Of Intent Proposal Development. |
CAD$49, 200.00
CAD$15,000 |
Internal research funding
Year |
Source |
Amount |
Role |
2006 |
Kahwa, E, Waldron N. Hewitt, H. Wint, Y., Knight- Madden, J. Talabere, L., Edwards, N. The Prevalence of asthma and allergies in adults and children in Jamaica(The University of the West Indies) Kahwa, E, Waldron N. Hewitt, H. et. al. The Prevalence of asthma and allergies in adults and children in Jamaica(NHF,CHASE Fund) |
J$1, 500,000.00
J$15,561,720.00 |
PI |
PI- Principal Investigator
Co-I -Co-Investigator