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Schedule of Events


Date: TUESDAY February 10
Date Time Type Details Venue

The Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work Assessment Centre
The Dept will offer the following services: (i) to prospective employees of several
Jamaican companies a battery of tests and activities to determine their suitability
for a range of jobs; (ii) to students - tests to suggest suitable jobs types (iii) help
with improving their CVs (iv) a workshop on dressing for success.

Exhibition Tent, Graduation Lawn
TUESDAY February 10 10:00 AM- 12:00PM LECTURE

Lecture Title: Criminal Law Overview: A lecture in the area of Criminal Law usually delivered to year 1 students that participants to Research Days are invited to join. Presenter: Ms. Janielle Matthews (Lecturer in the Faculty of Law)

Law Lecture Theatre Two (LLT II)

Book #1: Tourism Reader for the Caribbean Author: Dr. Ian Boxill and Diaram Ramjeesingh Overview: Tourism Reader attempts to provide insights into some of the research findings on a range of issues and challenges facing Caribbean. Book#2: The IDEAZ Institute, Austria, The Center for Tourism and Policy Research and the Department of Government, UWI Author: Dr. Ian Boxill Overview:The Remaking of Global Hegemony cross-examines specific social, political and economic changes of a global nature in order to determine how they shape development trends and impact on the most vulnerable globally. Book#3: Beyond the Shadows of Caribbean Cinema: Lighting a Caribbean Film Industry Author: Dr. Anthony Frampton Overview: Explores the Caribbean’s capacity to establish a sustainable film industry and its potential to capture a larger share of the global film business.

Assembly Hall

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology's Display of the Diagnostic Unit Showcasing the Colposcopy and the Ultrasound machines.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology UHWI
TUESDAY February 10 11:00AM – 12:00PM FACULTY DEMO

Demonstration Title: "Animation Demonstration and Presentation"
Overview: Peak into the world of animation with this hour-long
presentation and demonstration on motion graphics. Facilitator:
Mr. D’Oyen Williams, Adjunct Lecturer and Animator.

CARIMAC Annex 2 Lab
TUESDAY February 10 11:00AM-11:45AM REASONING

Mona Social Services'Reasoning Session 1: Title: Peace-builders in Greater
August Town and Violence Reduction Overview: With their establishment in 2004,
the peace-builders in Greater August Town have pioneered preventative and
interruptive activities to bring peace to their community. Ten years later,
the peace-builders have been brought together by Mona Social Services
to take on the crime prevention. The peacebuilders will share why they think
this round is not like 2004. Moderator: Mr. Kenneth Wilson,
Founding Member of August Town Peace-Builders

MSS Conference Room
TUESDAY February 10 11:00AM–12:00AM WORKSHOP

Office of Graduate Studies and Research Lounge Acvtivity: :
Career Preparedness Workshop Overview: This session will assess
the attributes of prospective employees/entrepreneurs and explore
exactly what career preparedness involves.

Lawn adjacent the Office of Graduate Studies & Research
TUESDAY February 10 11:00AM – 12:00PM WORKSHOP

Workshop Title: "Public Speaking Workshop for high school students" Overview: Two 2-hour workshops for high school students on communication skills. Presenters: Drs. Caroline Dyche & Carmeneta Jones

The Writing Centre, Faculty of Humanities and Education
TUESDAY February 10 11:00AM-12:00PM 3:00PM-4:00PM FACULTY TOUR

The Biotechnology Centre's Tour the Centre's Labs showcasing:
• DNA extraction made simple • A piece of Plant to Feed the Nation, How?
• 5 Minute Rule, its Clean! ...Or Is It? & Fungi: Your Everyday Encounters •
Pamphlet distribution

Biotechnology Centre
TUESDAY February 10 11:00AM - 12:00PM WORKSHOP

Title: CAPE Workshops for Communication Studies Overview: Workshops for 6th formers preparing to sit the CAPE Communication Studies examination. Presenter: Various presenters

N1, Faculty of Humnities & Education
TUESDAY February 10 11.00AM -1.00PM SEMINAR

Seminar Title: Immunization for Teens Overview: A Brief presentation on immunization specifically for teens Speaker: Dr. Abigail Harrison

Seminar Room 1, FMS Teaching & Research Complex
TUESDAY February 10 12:00PM - 12:45PM MAIN CONCERT

Lunch Hour Concert Theme: “Signs of the Times” Overview:
Concert featuring The UWI Jazz and Classical Music Ensemble,
The University Dramatic Arts Society and The University Dance Society.

The Undercroft, Senate Building


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