Social and Economic Studies (ISSNs: 0037-7651 (print); 2662-8988 (online)) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that has been published continuously since 1953. Produced by the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), it features articles reflecting current academic research of a developmental nature on a wide range of issues in the Caribbean and Latin America. SES is multi-disciplinary in orientation and publishes articles, research and book reviews on agricultural, anthropological, demographic, economic, educational, monetary, political and sociological questions with a view to analysing and discussing the problems of less developed countries, particularly those in the Caribbean. The journal is indexed by Scopus, PAIS Bulletin, Sociological Abstracts, Journal of Economic Literature, Abstracts in Anthropology, Current Contents/ Social and Behavioural Sciences, ASSIA and is available in the JSTOR, ProQuest and EBSCo databases.