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teacher education

Teachers’ Commitment to Promoting Education for Sustainable Development: Outcomes of a Faculty Collaborative Action Research Project

SKU: cje-45-1-5

The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Working Group (consisting of teacher educators within the School of Education at The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus in Jamaica), conducted a collaborative action research project to infuse ESD skills, issues, perspectives, and values into six courses. The study explored students’ views on the role of teachers in promoting ESD, their personal commitment to ESD, and whether these views were influenced by the infusion process.

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Price: Free

"DES Teacher Education Project Focus Books" — T. Kerry (Series Editor). Macmillan Education Ltd., 1981-82

SKU: CJE-10-1-8

The Focus Books comprise a series of eight workbooks, seven of which deal with an aspect of classroom teaching. The last in the series - The New Teacher examines the in-school provisions necessary for the optimal development of the student teacher during practice teaching. The workbooks are written by various authors associated with a now-terminated research and development project.

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Price: Free

The First Year of Teaching: Teachers’ Planning and their Perspectives on some Aspects of Teaching

SKU: cje-10-2-3-1

The paper reports the results of a research study which sought to identify the process of teachers’ planning and their perspectives on some aspects of teaching. The nineteen teachers who formed the sample were interviewed over a period of ten months. It was found that in their planning, teachers’ thoughts were dominated by the search for novel “activities”. The factors which influenced planning were pupils’ ability levels and their preferences for certain activities.

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Price: Free

Why Do Cubans Choose Teaching? Exploring Motivations and Perceptions of Trainee Teachers in Cuba

SKU: jedic-20-1-2-4

The objectives of this study, which used a quantitative non-experimental design, were to investigate teaching motivations and career perceptions as well as motivational problems of Cuban trainee teachers across two universities in Havana and Camagüey. Participants (N = 340) completed the Factors Influencing Teaching (FIT)-Choice scale which was extended and culturally adapted to the Cuban context. The study used a non-probability convenience sampling method in which participants were chosen based on their availability in lectures.

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Price: Free

Measuring Quality in Teacher Education Programmes

SKU: ioeps-7-2

Quality has always been a major concern in higher education; in fact some accrediting agencies date back to the 1800s (Rhoades and Sporn 2002). Since the mid-1980s, issues of quality assurance have been raised in various coun­tries and international fora with increasing rapidity. Today there is an on­going international conversation about the quality of higher education and quality assurance in tertiary education worldwide.

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Price: Free


SKU: ioeps-7-1

The imperatives for the establishment of quality assurance mechanisms, and the need to create a culture of quality within higher education have been well established in the various debates on quality which have intensified since the 1980s.

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Price: Free

A Rationale for the Critical Reorientation of Jamaican Teacher Education

SKU: ioeps-2-2

In this paper I advocate a critical reorientation of the way we think about the practice of teacher education in Jamaica. I suggest this as a strategy for challenging the resilience of traditional, teacher-centred pedagogy in our schools. To make my case I share the findings of a study that used the theoretical discourse of critical pedagogy as a conceptual framework to examine teaching practices in a Jamaican teachers college.

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Price: Free

How to Effectively Integrate Technology into Teacher Education

SKU: ioeps-1-8

It is evident that individual lecturers have to use technology in delivering course materials in the teachers colleges. However, to effectively integrate "technology" into teacher education, lecturers must consider several major issues, such as justification, and long and short-term plans, as well as purchasing safety, and equipment accommodation. This paper presents several issues to be considered in the process of integrating technology into the curriculum of the teachers colleges. Attempts are also made to alleviate fears associated with using technology in the classroom

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Price: Free

Nurturing Collaboration and Innovation in a TVET Teacher Education Programme

SKU: cje-31-1-6

Different contextual situations make it necessary for teachers to be innovative in the delivery process in order to achieve their objectives. These contexts may include the absence of resources in the classrooms; students with different learning styles; oversized classes; administrative demands on the teacher that are beyond his or her core functions; new technologies and the challenge of learning to use them to enhance learning in the classroom.

List price: Free
Price: Free

Retrospective of Teacher Education in the Caribbean Journal of Education

SKU: cje-32-1-5

In spite of seeming global indecision regarding the significance of teacher education, the Caribbean Journal of Education (CJE) has provided space for academics to research, discuss and theorize the education of teachers for the last 35 years.

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Price: Free


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