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teacher training

"Training Teacher-Trainers and Para-professional Teachers" by D. R. B. Grant. Jamaica Publishing House, 1982.

SKU: CJE-10-1-12

In Training Teacher-Trainers and Para professional Teachers, D. R. B. Grant describes the process of planned change developed by the PECE whereby the "grass-roots" teachers such as the teacher cited above are trained to be competent teachers of three- to six-year-olds. In this respect the book is a case study of the conception, design, evolution, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of one of the more successful innovatory projects to be carried out in education in the Caribbean in this century.

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Exploring Organisational Commitment of Teachers in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean

SKU: jedic-20-1-2-3

Research has established a relationship between the organisational commitment of teachers and some key teaching-career related variables. However, there has not been any exploration of organisational commitment in Eastern Caribbean schools. Using a cross-sectional research design, we surveyed a sample of 158 teachers to investigate relationships between organisational commitment and selected variables (i.e., career advancement opportunities, principal leadership style, teaching experience, and training).

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Price: Free

The Significance of Information Literacy Instruction for Teachers in Training at the Sam Sharpe Teachers’ College, Jamaica

SKU: cje-44-1-2

This paper employs a quasi-experimental approach to explore the impact of Information Literacy Instruction (ILI) on year one teachers in training at the Sam Sharpe Teachers’ College in Western Jamaica. It examines how ILI aids in the development of information literate (IL) student teachers. The research is guided by the Big6 Skills developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz.

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Price: Free

Standardizing Teachers and Their Practice: Lessons from England to the Caribbean

SKU: ioeps-7-5

Professional standards far teachers are widely used in teacher training and continuing pro­fessional development in England. As a whole, the standards represent a set of demands each teacher might be expected to achieve in order to demonstrate competence and progress in his or her career. This paper begins with an outline of the use of the professional stan­dards for teaching as they are currently applied in England. It then goes on to consider the applicability of professional standards for newly qualified and more experienced teachers in the Caribbean.

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Price: Free

UNICEF Regional Primary School Project Report on Teacher Training and Curriculum Development Activities 1978-1980

SKU: cje-8-1-5

In August 1978, UNICEF agreed to fund this primary school project, and reaffirmed the objectives which had been agreed on in previous discussions with the University. These objectives were: 

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Price: Free


SKU: JEDIC-11-2-0

Classrooms in schools in the Caribbean are typically described as teacher­centred with students as passive, dependent learners. Teacher training programmes year after year grapple with the task of transforming this scenario, but seemingly with little success. How do we make teaching more learner centred? How do we enable students to become more independent learners and to feel that their success or failure is under their own control? How do we prepare young people for adult civic involvement? These questions are at the centre of some of the articles in this volume. 

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Price: Free

The Professional Preparation of Graduate Teachers - A Perspective For The Caribbean

SKU: CJE-1-2-3

In the last two years there has been a signi­ficant increase in the provision at the Univer­sity of the West Indies for the training of graduate teachers to teach in secondary schools in the Caribbean. The schools in which these teachers will teach vary from the older type grammar school, to the newer secondary schools, whether called Junior Secondary, Comprehensive or Multilateral.

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Price: Free

Challenges of the ROSE Curriculum: Narrowing the Gaps Among Secondary Schools in Jamaica

SKU: JEDIC-0202-2

This paper reports on an investigation involving grade 7 students from three different types of secondary schools in Jamaica, using the ROSE integrated science curriculum. The relationships between school type and grade 7 students' knowledge of science content, acquisition of science process skills and attitude to science are presented and discussed. The study showed that there were significant relationships between school type and students' performance in all three areas on both the pre-tests and post-tests.

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Price: Free

Developing Training for Teachers of Children with Special Needs in Barbados: Challenges and Opportunities

SKU: JEDIC-0102-4

This article focuses on the development of training for teachers of children with special needs in Barbados. Various factors which present particular challenges to the organisation of effective, special needs training in this setting are discussed. Opportunities which such training offers for bringing about improvements in positions for children with special needs are highlighted. Several positive forces currently supporting constructive changes in special education provision and training in Barbados are noted and the essential components of effective special needs provision are outlined.

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Price: Free

Implementing the School-based Assessment in English in Jamaica: Teachers’ Perceptions, Preparedness and Challenges

SKU: JEDIC-1702-3

This study investigated the perceptions, preparedness of, and the challenges encountered by teachers of English as they implemented the CSEC English SBA in Jamaican secondary schools for the first time. Data collected through a survey of 124 randomly selected teachers of English and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-Tests, ANOVA, and crosstabulations showed that teachers had a predominantly negative perception of the CSEC English SBA. This negative perception was strongly and positively associated with the teachers’ being unprepared to implement the English SBA.

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Price: Free
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