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Mike Morrissey

"American Dissertations on Foreign Education: A bibliography with abstracts". The Whitsun Publishing Co., 1977 (Vol. IX); 1979 (Vol. 10)

SKU: CJE-10-1-7

Recent additions to the series of bibliographies entitled American Dissertations on Foreign Education deal with Central and South America and the Caribbean. The compilers indicate that these volumes bring together in abstract form “all locatable doctoral dissertations completed in the United States and Canada…on public and private education at all school levels on all school subjects.” The years covered in the volumes are not specified, but entries on the Caribbean span the period from 1950 to the mid 1970s.

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Price: Free

Wall Map of the Caribbean, 1977; Wall Map of Trinidad and Tobago, 1980; Macmillan Caribbean Certificate Atlas, 1979; Macmillan Education, London

SKU: cje-8-1-7

Three recent full-colour publications from Macmillan, two wall maps and an atlas, will help fill the need for attractive cartographic aids by teachers of geography. 

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Price: Free
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