Type | Rate |
Single Occupancy | USD $260/per night |
Double Occupancy | USD $290/per night |
Day Pass Rate | USD $65/per day |
Please note that in addition to paying for your Accomodations, you will be required to pay the conference registration fee. Visit the Registration page for these rates.
Please contact the hotel directly to arrange your accommodation.
RESERVATIONS PROCESS: All reservations should be made by May 19, 2017. Reservations can be made several ways with an option of our website at www.hilton.com or through our Reservations Department at 1-866-953-4772, 1-866-799-3670 or 1-866-799-3656. Please be sure that guests enter the special group code ZZUWIS whether through a call or online to receive the group rate(s). This code can and must only be entered at a group code filter; the code does not work at a filter for promotion/offer code.
Should you have rooms that the group is covering payment, kindly forward a copy of the rooming list using the below information.
Requirements to be completed on the rooming list
Last Name
First Name
Arrival Date
Departure Date
Room Rate
Number of Adults
Number of Children
Hotel Comments
Share-with: Last & First Name (additional persons who are in the same room - if children please state their age)
Repeat information can be copied and pasted such as arrival and departure dates which are the same.
BILLING - All billing information should be clearly stated on your rooming list with the specific nights to be billed to your master account.
If guests are responsible for their room charges, a method of payment (MOP) is required. If the MOP is not provided for attendees who are responsible for their own room charges and they are on your rooming list, the room will be guaranteed to the Group Master Account, and the Group shall be responsible for any related room charges including no-show charge and early departure.
Hotel Contact Person is Sheree Bennett, Email Address is Sheree.Bennett@hilton.com
Ground transportation from the airport to any destination in Montego Bay is available by JUTA Tours. Other forms of ground transportation can be recommended to you by members of the Travel and Transportation Sub-committee.