Special Projects - Frequently Asked Questions

Is the cheque for a stated request for payment ready?

Contact the Customer Service Section

What is the Balance on a stated project account?

An unofficial balance could be obtained from the BANNER Finance system. For a more accurate position, a Financial Report will be prepared.

How long will it take to have a financial report ready?

One day to three weeks, depending on the information required.

How is funding sought for projects?

The initiative for obtaining funding for a project is usually undertaken by Heads of Departments or other academic staff. Depending of the area of study, the individual seeking funding would know the organizations/ institutions to approach.

What obligation does the University have to its donors and project holders?

The obligation of the University includes ensuring that:
the research work, training, workshop or seminars are carried out within the guidelines stipulated in the Grant Agreement.
The required reports are submitted within the specified time frame
proper and accurate accounting records are kept and are available upon request

What are the basic requirements for establishing a project?

Signed copy of Contract/ Grant Agreement
First tranche of grant funds

What requirements does the University have of its donor(s)?

One possible requirement would be to ensure that grant funds are disbursed or reimbursed
on a timely basis

What is the life cycle of a project?

The life cycle of a project is usually stated in the Contract/ Grant Agreement. In the past, a project's
life cycle could span from 2 days to 5 years or more.

How do these projects enrich the University and the wider community?

Projects provide:
Additional funding for employment
Most of the foreign exchange required by the University
Recognition for the University, based on findings from research work to be carried out