Admission to this programme may be subject to interview by the Head of Department. The programme consists of a total of ninety (90) credits and students must complete a minimum of 48 credits in Librarianship with the remaining 42 credits coming from University Courses and other Faculty courses.
The programme consists of two components:
The B.A . Librarianship is designed to produce graduates who will work in or manage a school library, a public library or a special library in the modern information environment. This three year programme equips students with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that can be applied in the library in which they will be employed, including highly specialised skills related to cataloguing of print and electronic resources, creation of meta data, and so on. Graduates of this programme are qualified to work as indexers, abstractors, digital initiative librarians, cataloguers, school librarians, special librarians and public librarians among others.
To be admitted into the Library and Information Studies programme applicants must have Five (5) subjects at CXC/CSEC (grades 1-3), including English Language and Mathematics) and Two (2) of which must be at A-Level/CAPE.
Applicants may be subject to an admission interview.
Full-time students will take three (3) years to complete all requirements for the BA in Librarianship. Part-time students will take four (4) to five (5) years to complete the programme based on the number of courses they do per semester
The programme consists of two components:
All students are required to take and pass as part of the B.A. degree programme, a preliminary one semester foreign language course.
The following are exempt– a native speaker of any of the foreign languages offered; students who have at least a foreign language pass in the CAPE Functional, CSEC General (1, 2 or 3) or O’Level.
Final year students in the Faculty of Humanities and Education are required to do a research paper HUMN3099 (6 credits) OR any 6 credit research linked course OR any 3 credit research linked course plus any other 3 credit course. In order to do HUMN 3099(AR3X0), you need to have a B+ average for second level courses; otherwise you need special permission from the Head of Department to take this course.
The Department has developed one such research linked course LIBS3901 – Access to Information in the Caribbean. For students opting to do this you must do an additional 3 credit course.
Kindly note that for each of the three levels of the programme students must take 6 credits (excluding the foundation courses) in non-Library and Information Studies subjects leading to a total of 18 credits by the final year. Nine of these credits must come from within the Faculty.
OR Any other elective approved and offered from time to time. Not all electives are offered in any one designated semester. Offerings will depend on the availability of staff and the number of students wishing to take any particular course.
N.B. Concerning the Non-Library and Information Studies Faculty courses taken, one subject of two such courses taken in the first semester SHOULD be continued in the second semester and in the four succeeding semesters (i.e. the two LEVEL II and LEVEL III courses).
Semester 1
LIBS1003 – Intro to Info Studies
LIBS1401 – Online Searching
Foreign Language Reading Course
Non-DLIS Course:
Semester 2
LIBS1201 – Mgmt. of Info. Systems I
LIBS1004 – Reference Services
LIBS1502 – Info. Tech. for Info. Profs.
Foreign Language Reading Course
Non-DLIS Course:
Semester 1
LIBS2103 – Metadata Creation for Lib. Cats. I
LIBS2205 – Mgmt. of Libs. & Info. Units II
LIBS2702 – Information Architecture
LIBS2703 – Archival Concepts & Practices
Non-DLIS Course
Semester 2
LIBS2104 – Metadata Creation for Lib. Cats. II
LIBS2301 – Research Methodology
LIBS2502 – Intro. to Info. Sys.
Non-DLIS Course
Semester 3 - SUMMER
LIBS3802 - Internship in Librarianship
Semester 1
LIBS 3207 - Children’s Lit.[ ]
LIBS3801 – Records Mgmt.[ ]
LIBS3901 – Access to Info.[ ]
_________ Non-LIS Course[ ]
Semester 2
LIBS3007 – Caribbean Libraries
LIBS3604 – Info.Literacy
LIBS3702 – Preservation Mgmt.
Non-LIS Course
HUM3099* 3rd Yr. UC Course
Semester 3
LIBS 3802- Internship in Librarianship