This programme sets out to equip graduates with a bachelor’s degree in other disciplines with professional education in the field of library and information studies in order to prepare them to effectively manage library and information units and organizations in different types of environments. This programme is offered in a dual mode (face-face & online).
To be admitted to the programme, applicants must be graduates of approved universities normally with at least a lower second class honours degree in any discipline. Previous work experience in libraries is an advantage but is not essential. Applicants are required to be computer literate, (that is, to have a basic knowledge of the operation of a computer and the software associated with it). It is therefore in the interest of students, at this stage, to ensure that they have done an introductory course before entering the programme.
Full-time students will take TWO (2) academic years to complete the programme: ONE (1) year to complete all required courses and ONE (1) year part-time to complete the Research paper if Option 1{***} is selected or ONE (1) semester to do the TWO (2) courses for Option 2{**}.
Part-time students will take THREE (3) academic years to complete the programme: TWO (2) years to complete all required courses, and ONE (1) year part-time to complete the Research paper for Option 1{***} or ONE semester to do the TWO courses for Option 2 {**}.
The student will be required to read TEN (10) semester courses, write a research paper of 10,000— 15,000 words, and earn an additional 3 credits from Practicum, making a total of 39 credits as shown below.
Students are required to obtain a minimum of thirty-nine (39) credits consisting of:
Ten 3-credit courses30 credits
Six weeks practicum (fieldwork)3 credits
Research Paper 10,000—15,000 words6 credits (Option 1)
Independent Study3 credits (Option 2)
Trends & Issues in the Library & Information Environment3 credits (Option 2)
Core Courses: (3 credits each)
LIBS6001 - Foundations of Library and Information Studies
LIBS6106 - Management of Libraries &Information Units
LIBS6301 - Bibliography and Reference Methods and Materials
LIBS6501 - Information Technology I
(Resource Course)
*LIBS6306 – Legal Information Resource Management
**LIBS6901 - Trends & Issues in the Library & Information Environment
Core Course: (3 credits)
LIBS6201 – Cataloguing & Metadata
LIBS6401 - Research Methods in Library & Information Studies
Electives: (3 credits each)
LIBS6003 - Information Literacy Instruction
LIBS6503 - Introduction to Digital Libraries
Core Courses: (3 credits each)
LIBS6202 - Subject Analysis and Indexing in Information Retrieval
LIBS6504 - Integrated Library Systems
Elective(3 credits)
MGMT6015 - Basic Statistics
(May be done as an additional course; not included in the 30 credits)
LIBS6899 - Research Paper (6 credits) OPTION 1
LIBS6902 - Independent Study (3 credits) OPTION 2
Students opting for this should do LIBS6901 in Semester I Year I
LIBS6899 - Research Paper (6 credits) OPTION 1
LIBS6904 - Practicum in Library and Information Studies – six weeks (3 credits)
* All students must do a Resource-based course; only LIBS6801 and LIBS6306 are offered.