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Caribbean Geography

A journal of geography for the region


EDITOR: David Barker c/o Department of Geography & Geology, 
The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica 
Phone: (876) 927-2129, Fax: (876) 977-6029640, email


The journal began publication in 1983, and is published annually from the Department of Geography & Geology. As of 2018, 234 peer-reviewed articles have been published, the majority of which are based on empirical geographical research undertaken in the Caribbean region over the last four decades. 

The journal is available in printed form but we intend to launch a website in the months ahead, and all back issues will be available in electronic form. The journal is a not-for-profit publication and relies virtually entirely on subscriptions for its funding. 

Subscription Address

Caribbean Geography
Department of Geography & Geology
University of the West Indies, Mona Campus
Kingston 7, Jamaica

Subscription Rates

Annual US$45 (includes postage). All payments from outside of Jamaica should be made in US dollars. Cheques and orders should be made payable to Caribbean Geography.

©Caribbean Geography
ISSN 0252 9939


Dr Duncan McGregor (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Dr David Miller (University of the West Indies, Mona Campus)
Dr Kevon Rhiney (University of the West Indies, Mona campus)
Dr Clinton Beckford (University of Windsor)
Dr Tania López-Marrero (University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
Dr Susan Mains (University of Dundee)
Dr Benjamin Timms (California Polytechnic State University)
Professor Dennis Conway (Indiana University)
Fatima Patel (Queen's College, Barbados)
Junior Prosper (National Archives of Antigua & Barbuda)
Alexis Hobson (Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, St Lucia)

Manuscripts: Editorial Policy on submissions 


Caribbean Geographyis dedicated to the advancement of the discipline of geography in the region. The journal is a forum for the dissemination of research, ideas and educational material. It is aimed at universities, colleges and schools, and the many professional geographers working in the region’s public and private sector institutions.

The journal publishes articles on a wide range of topics as they relate to the field of geography and its cognate disciplines, including the Caribbean environment and the development process, planning and resource management, and the earth sciences.The region is defined broadly, and includes all islands in the Caribbean Basin, territories which border the Caribbean Sea including the Bahamas and the Guianas. Articles on themes relating to places outside the region are considered for publication provided there is a Caribbean perspective, such as the Caribbean diaspora in Europe or North America. Articles that include Caribbean material (from either the sciences or the social sciences) set in a broader context, of intra-regional comparisons or global processes, are also acceptable.

Peer review 

All articles are subject to peer review, by referees who reside inside and outside the region.  Manuscripts are welcome and should conform to the journal style described in ‘Notes for Contributors’.

Research or review articles?

The spectrum of papers published encompasses a wide range, from applied research articles to review articles, policy issues and theoretical discussion. We also publish papers based on research in progress if the results or ideas are felt to be of sufficient substance, merit and interest to the journal’s readership.

Who can submit manuscripts?

Manuscript submission is not restricted to professional geographers. Other specialists, such as planners, economists, sociologists, anthropologists, geologists, botanists, and zoologists have published their research and ideas in the journal. Whilst the majority of contributors are academics based in tertiary institutions, professionals from the public and private sectors, school teachers and postgraduate students published in the journal.

How to submit manuscripts?

Authors wishing to submit articles to the journal should send the manuscripts to The Editor: 

Notes for Contributors

Articles should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and not exceed 7,000 words in length.

Electronic Submission: Articles should be submitted to the Editor at:

Title page: A separate title page should include title, name and position of the author, academic or professional affiliation, and full postal and email address. 

Summary: The summary should be no more than 300 words, double spaced on a separate sheet.

Figures: Figures supplied by the author should be drawn to professional standards, suitable for reproduction in black and white print, and in appropriate proportions for reduction to page size. Figure captions should not appear on the artwork, and should be listed separately. Figures should not be embedded in the text, but sent as separate jpeg files

Tables: Tables should be typed double spaced, using only a few horizontal lines and no vertical lines, and should not be embedded in the text. Table titles should be listed separately.

Photographs: Photographic images are acceptable if they are essential to the text and of good quality, and suitable for reproduction in black and white print. Photographs should not be embedded in the text, should be submitted as separate jpeg files, and the titles listed separately.

Footnotes: These should be avoided, and incorporated into the text.


The Harvard system is used for references. Author's names (no initials) and dates are cited in the body of the text. e.g. (Gamble & Curtis, 2008; Potter et al., 2004). References are listed alphabetically at the end of the article and typed double spaced: e.g.

Gamble, D.W. & S. Curtis (2008) ‘Caribbean precipitation: review, model and prospect’, Progress in Physical Geography,32(3), 265–276.

Potter, R. B., Barker, D., Conway, D. & T. Klak (2004) Contemporary Caribbean, Harlow: Pearson Education/Prentice Hall.

See any recent issue of Caribbean Geography for guidance.

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