The Department offers programmes leading to the award of M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Geography and Geology. Candidates are required to have either a First or Second Class Honours degree in Geography or Geology from the University of the West Indies, or a similar approved institution. Candidates will be required to pass several taught courses which will be determined by the Department.
M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees are awarded by thesis. Unless a candidate already possesses a Master's Degree, registration for an M.Phil. is normal in the first instance. Upgrade to a Ph.D. programme can take place within 3 years.
The minimum period of registration for the M.Phil. is two years full time, and the maximum is three years full time. It consists largely of work on a research topic which is examined by a thesis. One or more Supervisors for the proposed research must be available and adequate facilities for the particular work must exist.
The minimum period ofr the Ph.D. is three years full time and the maximum five years full time and is examined by thesis and viva. A Ph.D. thesis should make a distinct contribution to the content and advancement of its subject and show evidence of originality, either through the discovery of new facts, or by the exercise of independent critical power. It should meet the professional standards of the discipline, be satisfactory as regards literary presentation and should be suitable for publication.
Graduate Students are also required to:
Give at least two seminars (three for the Ph.D. programme) in the department during the course of their research. Assist in tutorials, practical classes and field classes.
Candidates should obtain application forms from the School of Graduate Studies, bearing in mind that there is a strict deadline for applications.
Candidates should also approach suitable supervisors for their potential research topic. It is advisable that a candidate select a suitable supervisor and agree a written research project, prior to submitting their application.