Spatial and temporal variations in precipitation. Creation of rainfall maps using isohyetal, arithmetic mean and Theissen polygon method. Statistical methods for calculating return periods for rainfall and flood data. Hydrograph separation using computational methods and calculation of baseflow, inter and overland flow. Types of flooding and flood hazards in Jamaica. Climate change and hydrological hazards. Hydrologic Simulation models, steps in watershed modelling, description of model’s principles, mainly HEC HMS models Flood plain hydraulics - principles and concepts of HEC RAS (1D) model including case studies. Hydraulic properties of aquifers and their methods of determination. Groundwater flow calculations and flow variation under different climatic and non-climatic conditions. Geophysical and geological investigations for groundwater sources. Groundwater contamination and transport model. Groundwater wells: types and methods of drilling. Water resources of the Caribbean, with special emphasis on Jamaica. Climate change and challenges in the water sector: Jamaica and the Caribbean.