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Minor in Geology

The geology minor is designed to produce graduates who have an understanding of geology that they can dovetail with their major. The Caribbean region is affected by serious issues that have a multidisciplinary aspect, including the search for natural resources, water supply, natural disasters and road construction and development. Many disciplines overlap with geology (geography, civil engineering, environmental science, geophysics) and the geology minor is designed to provide both a basic understanding of geological concepts (Level I courses), and then develop specializations at Levels II and III that would dovetail with the graduate’s major.

At Level I students acquire a basic understanding of geology theory and practice. At levels II and III, students can select a series of courses that allows for their specialization with more advanced and applied courses at Level III being developed from groundwork courses at Level II.


An understanding of geology dovetails with many disciplines including geophysics, geochemistry, and civil engineering. Many disciplines require that graduates have a basic theoretical and practical knowledge of geology. The geology minor is designed for flexibility providing students with a basic understanding of geological concepts at level I, and the choice to develop areas of specialization at levels II and III.


Level I

GEOL1101     Earth Science 1: Earth Materials and Plate Tectonics     

GEOL1102     Earth Science 2: Earth Processes and Earth History       

GEOL1003     Earth Science 3: Minerals and Mineral Deposits             

GEOL1104     Earth Science 4: Geological maps & Environmental Geology   


Level II

2 or 3 courses from

GEOL2201     Palaeontology                                                                 

GEOL2202     Sedimentary Geology                                                      

GEOL2203     Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology                              

GGEO2233     Water Resources 

Level III

2 or 3 courses from

GEOL3103     Advanced Hydrogeology                                                    

GEOL3104     Sedimentology and Facies Analysis                                    

GEOL3105     Petroleum Geology                                                              

GEOL3106     Engineering Geology                                                           

GEOL3107     Geophysics and Seismicity                                                  

GGEO3332     Disaster Management 

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