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BA/BSc Major in Geography

The BA/BSc Major in Geography will appeal to students wishing to enter the work place after a first degree. It offers broad exposure to a wider range of courses, and opportunities for students to tailor course combinations in geography, which are better aligned to their chosen career path. This revised Major provides access to an internship course (GEOG3433 - Geography Internship and Work Experience) that will enable students to gain valuable work experience and to two new applied courses in Natural Hazards and Disaster Management. The integration of a new internship course and a broader choice of applied undergraduate third-year options into the revised Geography Major will meet the needs of students wishing to develop their careers outside of academia, the Applied Major in Geography (BA/BSc) programme will cater for those students wishing to build their research capacity and embark on postgraduate research careers.
Level I (12 credits)
GEOG1131 Human Geography 1: Population, Migration and Human Settlement (C)
GEOG1231 Earth Environments 1: Geomorphology and Soils (C) 
GEOG1132 Human Geography 2: World Economy, Agriculture and Food (C) 
GEOG1232 Earth Environments 2: Climate and the Biosphere (C) 
Students should take at least 30 credits from Level II and Level III courses with a minimum of 15 credits from Level III. (C – Compulsory course; E – Elective course)                                                             
Level II
GEOG2331 Research Methods in Geography (C)
GEOG2131 Urban Geographies (E)                     
GEOG2231 Earth Surface Processes (E)
GGEO2233 Water Resources (E)
GGEO2234 Natural Hazards and Society (E)
GEOG2132 Geographies of Development (E)
GEOG2232 Environmental Change (E)
GGEO2232 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (E)
BIOL2408 Diving for Scientists (E - strongly recommended for students wishing to register for GGEO3232 Climate Change in the Tropics
Level III                                 
GEOG3331 Geography of the Caribbean (C)
GEOG3433 Geography Internship and Work Experience (C)
A minimum of 9 credits from:
GEOG3131 Tropical Agriculture & Development (E)                      
GEOG3132 Tourism Planning & Development (E)             
GEOG3334 Tropical Land Management (E)                                     
GEOG3333 Urban & Regional Planning (E)                                     
GGEO3231 Karst & Coastal Geomorphology (E)                            
GGEO3232 Climate Change in the Tropics (E)                                
GGEO3332 Disaster Risk Management and Development Planning (E)
GGEO3233 Hydrology and Hydrological Modelling (E)
GGEO3105 Applied GIS and Remote Sensing (E)  

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