Research Interests:
Climate Change Adaptation
Biodiversity Conservation
Disaster Risk Reduction
Sustainable Development
Research Projects:
• A new Tropical cyclone Ocean-Coupled Potential Intensity Model for West Indies (TOPIM). Irish Aid. OurShared Ocean Programme. (Co-I) 2023-present.
• Caribbean Resilience and Recovery Knowledge Network. Engineering and Physical Sciences ResearchCouncil (EPSRC). Countries: Dominica, Montserrat, Grenada. (PI) - 2019– 2023.
• Caribbean Adaptation & Mitigation Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Phase IV. United Nations.Countries: The Bahamas and St. Kitts & Nevis. (PI). 2022 – Present
• Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean (CRAIC) Project – Phase 3. Munich ClimateInsurance Initiative (MCII). Countries: Trinidad & Tobago, Belize, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Jamaica. (PI). 2023– Present
• Community Assessment of Readiness Tool (CART). Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). Countries:Belize, Jamaica, St. Vincent. (PI). 2020– 2023
• Adaptation Fund Concept Note and Full Proposal for the Trinidad and Tobago. Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). (Co-I). 2020 – 2021
Graduate Students:
• Jhannel Tomlinson (PhD. Geography): Adaptive Capacity and Community-based Organizations
• Lance Scott (PhD. Geography): Climate Risk Insurance and Agriculture
• Nathalie-Ennis Palmer (MPhil Geography): Land management practices and Protected Areas
• Simone Lee (PhD. Environmental Management): Economic Benefits of Marine Protected Areas
• Ayesha Constable (PhD Geography): Socio-Ecological Resilience and Rural Change
• Tashana Malcolm (PhD Geography): Small-scale Fisheries and Wellbeing