Engineering at The UWI, Mona Campus grew and developed from the BSc Electronics Engineering programme within the Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science and Technology in 2009. The programme evolved into the Mona School of Engineering (MSE) in 2013 and subsequently operationalized into the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) in 2018, in response to strong student demand and in support of national development goals.
The Faculty of Engineering’s undergraduate programme offering has since expanded to include; Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, in addition to our flagship Electronics Engineering programme. The Preliminary Engineering programme, was introduced in 2017, as a 1-year programme that serves as a qualifying year for students seeking to access our 3-year BSc Engineering programmes.
Our graduate programme offerings MPhil and PhD research activities commenced in 2018 and a MSc in Engineering and Management programme in 2021.