Background: Diseases produced for Candida species (spp) are called candidiasis and this includes settling, superficial infection, deep tissue invasion and haematogenic dissemination (eyes, the skin, the kidneys and the brain). The species that more usually cause candidiasis are C albicans, C tropicalis and C glabrata. These species usually are found in the normal microbial populations of the mucosae and can be pathogenic due the vulnerability of the host.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to review the factors that influence infection by Candida spp in order to empower health-workers in the management of such infections.
Methods: Data were retrieved from the bibliographical data banks of SCIELO, HIGHWIRE, PUBMED, LILACS and SCIRUS.
Conclusions: Knowledge about factors such as environment, exoenzymes, preferred infection sites and other factors that are essential for combating Candida infection and the risks associated with infection, will enhance efficient management.